The Student Room Group

London School of Business and Finance

Hi everyone,

I recently had someone informing me about the London School of Business and finance, of which I had not heard before. The LSBF offers a Msc in Finance and a MIB which are both validated by the Grenoble Graduate School of Business. GGSB is a good school for a MIB, according to the FT, but I don't know about their reputation in finance, nor do I know why I should study at LSBF instead of at GGSB itself. Of course, London has the perk of being better connected with the financial world, but are there any educational differences?

Although it might be difficult to say anything sensible about this, I would really appreciate it if someone could draw a comparison between LSBF and the more academic programs at LSE, Imperial, KCL, Warwick, or Oxbridge. Choosing between the more practical and hands-on programs, would LSBF serve me any better than Cass?

Kind regards,
Reply 1
No.There is no comprison.LSFB is not a University or a part of any University.
Reply 2
Does LSBF have anything to do with LBS ? Is it as prestugius as LBS? Because if yes..the answer is obvious
Reply 3
Does LSBF have anything to do with LBS ? Is it as prestugius as LBS? Because if yes..the answer is obvious

No,it has nothing to do with it at all.
Reply 4

LSBF indeed is no university of itself. Its programs are validated, and degrees are awarded, by the Univerity of East London (which doesn't seem like a plus) and the Grenoble Graduate School of Business, so it seems to me that their programs do confer a academic degree. Than again, I might be mistaken, but please explain to me why :wink:
Reply 5
London Business School and London School of Business and Finance are two completely different institutions.

LBS is one of the finest business schools and is part of the University of London system. LSBF is a completely different school, unaffiliated in any way with LBS.
London Business School and London School of Business and Finance are two completely different institutions.

LBS is one of the finest business schools and is part of the University of London system. LSBF is a completely different school, unaffiliated in any way with LBS.

My bad

edit: *hermaphrodite deletes redundant posts*
But what do you think, is it a good university to study?
Reply 8
its not even a university. I would stay well away. It uses its name to trick people into thinking it is LBS or an institution of high academic standing when it is neither. There are many places dotted all over London that do this to trick ignorant foreigners. I have lost count of the time I have seen a place like "Central College of London" and its just a small office unit in some ****** area of Harringey or Whitechapel or something like that. Obviously LSBF is of a higher standard than these scummy places but it is playing the trick nonetheless by using a name that makes people assume a degree of prestige. Also nowhere near the league of LSE, UCL, Kings or any real University of London institution so I wouldn't consider it at all.
I understand that.

Actually the main advantage of this school is that it doesn't require GMAT for entrance and it has scholarships for students from Kazakhstan. Plus, it is pretty cheap school.

I am particularly interested in MSc in Investment Banking and Securities program. What do you think about it?
Reply 10
может быть у нас в стране прокатит с трудоустройством, но в целом lsbf не имеет еще репутации (это даже не вуз).
Reply 11
Original post by Hammond
Hi everyone,

I recently had someone informing me about the London School of Business and finance, of which I had not heard before. The LSBF offers a Msc in Finance and a MIB which are both validated by the Grenoble Graduate School of Business. GGSB is a good school for a MIB, according to the FT, but I don't know about their reputation in finance, nor do I know why I should study at LSBF instead of at GGSB itself. Of course, London has the perk of being better connected with the financial world, but are there any educational differences?

Although it might be difficult to say anything sensible about this, I would really appreciate it if someone could draw a comparison between LSBF and the more academic programs at LSE, Imperial, KCL, Warwick, or Oxbridge. Choosing between the more practical and hands-on programs, would LSBF serve me any better than Cass?

Kind regards,

LSBF is not a University, RUN AWAY, go to a proper university like London Business School or London School of Economics.

I am a student at LSBF and was one of the foreign students fooled by it. It is not a proper university, so they need another university to award the "titles". Education is MUCH INFERIOR to any university I've ever seen. Management is a total disaster, no one knows what's going on, class time tables are always off, professors NEVER answer your questions or reply to your emails, they take up to three to four months to grade your assignments; all classes consist on basically reading a textbook and completing a case (no value added).

And if you need more proof, a staff member told me to ask for my money back and go to a University. They wouldn't give me my money back of course.
(edited 11 years ago)