The Student Room Group

Insane Jealousy Problem

I can't help but compare myself to all my boyfriend's exes, and if I consider them better than me I can't think about anything else and the jealousy totally consumes me. I assume everything I do is being rated and compared and that he is only "settling" for me. The other girlfriends have been very thin with a huge chest - seemingly the opposite dimensions to me. I also worry about them being higher earning/more "arty" etc.
I just found on myspace an ex and my boyfriend has commented on a lot of her blogs with things like "mmm...*kisses you darling*" and stuff. The girl is very pretty, very thin, writes most of her blog entries in French and it's all poetry about pretentious things like colours in the hot days of summer and about "missing him" and having sex etc in the most poetic and irritating way ever.

I have sent him a text saying I can't see him this week as I feel too ill. I know my jealousy upsets him and he has dumped me once before for it so I don't know whether to tell him the real reason I feel unable to see him. What should I do? Our relationship is great otherwise but I cannot stop feeling inferior to these arty pretentious thin women and it's driving me insane.

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Reply 1
you need to get over this. remind yourslef hes going out with you not them.
if you let it control you it will tear your relationship apart
From your profile pic, you are incredibly pretty! And, as dh00001 said, he is going out wiht you- if he did not want to be, he wouldn't!
Reply 3
Teao the Cat
From your profile pic, you are incredibly pretty! And, as dh00001 said, he is going out wiht you- if he did not want to be, he wouldn't!

:ditto: And you look thin (from your face at least :p: )

Seriously, stop it. There's a reason why he's with you and not these other girls. Probably because they're a load of superficial *****, and you've actually got something real about you. Call him, meet with him, and forget about this silly jealousy thing.
Reply 4
not seeing him because you're jealous?

well, that's one way to lose a boyfriend...
I would suggest becoming a better, less-shallow, nicer person.
Reply 6
I can't help but compare myself to all my boyfriend's exes, and if I consider them better than me I can't think about anything else and the jealousy totally consumes me. I assume everything I do is being rated and compared and that he is only "settling" for me. The other girlfriends have been very thin with a huge chest - seemingly the opposite dimensions to me. I also worry about them being higher earning/more "arty" etc.
I just found on myspace an ex and my boyfriend has commented on a lot of her blogs with things like "mmm...*kisses you darling*" and stuff. The girl is very pretty, very thin, writes most of her blog entries in French and it's all poetry about pretentious things like colours in the hot days of summer and about "missing him" and having sex etc in the most poetic and irritating way ever.

I have sent him a text saying I can't see him this week as I feel too ill. I know my jealousy upsets him and he has dumped me once before for it so I don't know whether to tell him the real reason I feel unable to see him. What should I do? Our relationship is great otherwise but I cannot stop feeling inferior to these arty pretentious thin women and it's driving me insane.

You look incredibly pretty.
Other girls should be jealous of you.
Now shush and go make out with your boyfriend.
He's one lucky dude.
Dont let it consume you, your obviously really pretty from your photo, whatever you may think yourself!

And as dh00001 said, he's going out with you =] Try and be a little positive, they're obviously EX-girlfriends for a reason.

Yeah, because they dumped him.
Reply 9
I think you're beautiful, if that counts for anything.

You need to tackle this self esteem issue quickly, because that's all that's wrong with you. My mother has always been the same and talks a lot like you, it completely ran her life and has recently pushed her into a mental disorder. I'm not saying that you'll wind up the same way but, do be very careful.

Work on learning to love yourself a bit more.
OP, you look gorgeous, just push those feelings to the back of your mind.

He's with you, not them, you obviously have something they dont.
Reply 11
Read Bridget Jones. Accept that men also like women who they can have a bacon sandwich with and a good time. Who could be bothered with all that pretentious stuff all the time?
Reply 12
Yeah, it was jealousy that prevented Bridget from being with Mark all along, until she finally got over it and accepted that he really did want her or he just wouldn't bother!
Reply 13
If its a choice between Yufie and Bridget. I'd go for Yufie.
Reply 14
Yeah same. And I'm not even a lesbian :flute:
Reply 15
Thanks everyone. I've talked on the phone with my friends and stuff and I guess I've realised while she may be a french speaking, thin, pretentious erotic poet she looked not to have an ounce of a sense of humour in her. Out of about 400 blog entries, not one was even remotely observant/funny. I guess most people would prefer to go out with someone who can have a laugh than someone who can wax lyrical about red balloons floating whimsically amongst the dewy morning trees.
Reply 16
You read 400 of her blog entries?! That's alarming.

You're still comparing and you need to stop, it's not healthy. I speak French, what's the big deal? I'm hardly special :/ I'm not thin or poetic though... and I've never wanted to be. Be happy with what you've got and who you are. It's essential.
Reply 17
Thanks everyone. I've talked on the phone with my friends and stuff and I guess I've realised while she may be a french speaking, thin, pretentious erotic poet she looked not to have an ounce of a sense of humour in her. Out of about 400 blog entries, not one was even remotely observant/funny. I guess most people would prefer to go out with someone who can have a laugh than someone who can wax lyrical about red balloons floating whimsically amongst the dewy morning trees.

You look french.
Even better.
You read 400 of her blog entries?! That's alarming.

You're still comparing and you need to stop, it's not healthy. I speak French, what's the big deal? I'm hardly special :/ I'm not thin or poetic though... and I've never wanted to be. Be happy with what you've got and who you are. It's essential.

alarming? id call that bloody scary if my gf read 400 blogs of my ex

OP get a grip or get ready to enjoy being single, youl drive him away if you keep acting like this
i agree with everyone will take some time to get over as it did with me, but dont let it get to you
concentrate on him and the fact that he is with you not them anymore, and if it makes you umcomfortable then tell him and ask him to stop or tone it down, if he is really into you then he will do this for you