Second year actuarial science undergrad here: here's a few pearls of (possibly) wisdom.
Actuarial degrees are regarded in the industry with, not suspicion, but with healthy scepticism. This is partly old fashioned snobbery and partly hard-headed experience: a significant number of act sci undergrads are not really suited to the work and are just attracted by the suggestion of easy money.
The thing that does differentiate you is the work experience you've undertaken and looking ahead now is an excellent idea. At the moment, don't worry about specific actuarial experience - leave that for uni. Instead, go for generic financial industry experience. As long as you are sensible and appear reasonably serious, most places will not have a problem taking you on for a few days job shadowing or work experience. Also, most companies of any size continuously recruit client services people (the people that customers actually interact with), usually through a temp firm. Ring them up and ask them who that firm is, and as long as you are open minded, flexible and enthusiastic you should not have many problems getting something basic, and back end administration is a great way to learn how a financial services firm actually runs.