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I think you can - my sister was a young leader at Rainbows and she was never a member, although she did go to Guides for a while.
Reply 2
Definitely! Most packs always want people to help :smile:

I was a Brownie, Guide and Young Leader; and I started doing my proper leader training, but then I went to university and didn't have time to continue :frown: But there was definitely at least one leader who'd never been a Brownie/Guide.

You need to make a new promise for each stage anyway, and to volunteer to work with children you need a CRB check; and a bit of on-going training to call yourself a Guider (as opposed to just a randomer who helps out :p:); but I'm sure you know all this already, and I'm sure that if you got in touch with a pack they would be very happy to have you! :smile:
Oh brill i've got a copy of my CRB check from my work, i've also found an email address for guides in my community so i'll give them an email. Thanks :smile:
Reply 4
No problem, good luck with it all!

And thanks for the rep :smile:
no probs :smile: the email adress doesn't work :frown: so am going to write instead.
About the CRB check...they'll need to CRB you again. Your CRB is, for some bizzare reason, valid only in the situation you were originally checked. My boyfriend had to CRB checked for working with children at church, but then he had to be CRB checked again for working with Beavers. Just a point to bear in mind, it may mean you can't start helping out immediately.
About the CRB check...they'll need to CRB you again. Your CRB is, for some bizzare reason, valid only in the situation you were originally checked. My boyfriend had to CRB checked for working with children at church, but then he had to be CRB checked again for working with Beavers. Just a point to bear in mind, it may mean you can't start helping out immediately.

really?! but it only came through a week ago...
Reply 8
You will only need a CRB check if you are over 18 (or will be soon).

And even then they will probably let you start helping immediately, before it comes back.
Reply 9
really?! but it only came through a week ago...

Yes - it's a ridiculous system; they're not even valid between the Scout Association and Girlguiding UK. I currently have 3 valid CRBs - one from Girlguiding, one from being at clinical school and one from my membership of the university Scout and Guide Club. I really don't understand why they can't share!

Anyway - I'm a Brownie leader, and I'm just finishing my leadership qualification (despite the fact I've been helping with Brownies for 8 years now - but that's another story!) I love working with them and it's been really beneficial for my confidence, organisation and leadership skills too. You absolutely don't have to have been involved in any of them before - though a lot of people have, it's far from essential. I was never actually a Brownie, though I was a Guide and a Ranger, so quite involved before I became a Young Leader.

Anyway, if your hunt for local contacts doesn't work, try this page on the Girlguiding UK website, which should be helpful.
Yes - it's a ridiculous system; they're not even valid between the Scout Association and Girlguiding UK. I currently have 3 valid CRBs - one from Girlguiding, one from being at clinical school and one from my membership of the university Scout and Guide Club. I really don't understand why they can't share!

Anyway - I'm a Brownie leader, and I'm just finishing my leadership qualification (despite the fact I've been helping with Brownies for 8 years now - but that's another story!) I love working with them and it's been really beneficial for my confidence, organisation and leadership skills too. You absolutely don't have to have been involved in any of them before - though a lot of people have, it's far from essential. I was never actually a Brownie, though I was a Guide and a Ranger, so quite involved before I became a Young Leader.

Anyway, if your hunt for local contacts doesn't work, try this page on the Girlguiding UK website, which should be helpful.

how picky about CRB's! Thanks I searched for local orgs in my area before, i've pm'd you helenia hope thats ok?
Reply 11
hiya =]
i currently volunteer with the rainbows to get myself some more experience with children before i go to university to do a primary teaching degree, i've never been involved with rainbows, brownies, guides etc before and it was no hassle me becoming a volunteer and helping out =] its great fun working with the children doing all the tasks so good luck with it all =D
p.s the CRB check really is stupid, i had a check through from a primary school about a week before like you yet still couldnt use it, its like they expect you to have commited a bad crime within a couple of days! then again some people might do that haha
hiya =]
i currently volunteer with the rainbows to get myself some more experience with children before i go to university to do a primary teaching degree, i've never been involved with rainbows, brownies, guides etc before and it was no hassle me becoming a volunteer and helping out =] its great fun working with the children doing all the tasks so good luck with it all =D
p.s the CRB check really is stupid, i had a check through from a primary school about a week before like you yet still couldnt use it, its like they expect you to have commited a bad crime within a couple of days! then again some people might do that haha

awww lucky you! I hope I manage to get a placement. Did you have to pay for the Brownies CRB check as your a volunteer pipkinx?
I'm a Rainbow Guider so maybe I can be of some help...
I've been through the whole system Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section as well.
You can become envolved EASILY. The Guide Association is always looking for new helpers and leaders as its very hard to find volunteers.
You will need a new CRB as some of the people above have already said but thats about it. You can pretty much be as involved or uninvolved as you like.
You can take the leadership qualification to become a warranted guider, or just be a unit helper for a while. If you choose to you will be able to organise games or activities, if not you can just be at hand for everyone.

You don't have to pay for your CRB the guide assoc uses the childrens fees each year to pay for things like that.

You will DEFINATELY get a placement. Promise you.

Feel free to ask me anything about the whole system etc I should know what I'm talking about :smile:
Reply 14
While we're talking about Brownies - can anyone think of some "space"-related activities we can do on Pack Holiday? I'm trying to organise the programme!
I'm a Rainbow Guider so maybe I can be of some help...
I've been through the whole system Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section as well.
You can become envolved EASILY. The Guide Association is always looking for new helpers and leaders as its very hard to find volunteers.
You will need a new CRB as some of the people above have already said but thats about it. You can pretty much be as involved or uninvolved as you like.
You can take the leadership qualification to become a warranted guider, or just be a unit helper for a while. If you choose to you will be able to organise games or activities, if not you can just be at hand for everyone.

You don't have to pay for your CRB the guide assoc uses the childrens fees each year to pay for things like that.

You will DEFINATELY get a placement. Promise you.

Feel free to ask me anything about the whole system etc I should know what I'm talking about :smile:

Thanks so much molly, you've made me feel extremely optimistic! :biggrin:
While we're talking about Brownies - can anyone think of some "space"-related activities we can do on Pack Holiday? I'm trying to organise the programme!

astronomy, and maybe its a bit geeky, but drawing the planets and sticking them to the wall to scale is kind of enlightening. Get them to paint the planets... or something.
I'm a Rainbow Leader! In fact, we're doing the biannual gang show at the moment so I've been looking after them since 1 o clock this afternoon and only just got in! It's great fun :smile:
Thanks so much molly, you've made me feel extremely optimistic! :biggrin:

Good! Theres nothing to be pessimistic about.
The guide association is generally a very nice place to be, just because it gives people so many opportunities.
They will need you somewhere honestly. They will want you to be part of it, not be all worried about someone new joining.
Theres some areas where packs have to close because not enough people are willing to help out! So if you offer, they will probably love you forever.
I'm a Brownie leader! It's great, it really is.

I got into it when one of my guide leaders mentioned that the brownies wanted help, so I went along and I've been there ever since. Well,changed packs (still at same place) but that's another story.

As for CRB check, you have to have it if you're over 16. Whether you've had one previously for something else or not. And it's free.