The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
hahaha this happens to me
tad embarasing bu oh wel :P
A girl did it really loudly during an exam once.. everyone burst out laughing. :p:

It happens to most people, I think. There's a way to avoid it, either by stifling the yawn or by stifling the croak.. I don't know, practise, and see what happens.
Reply 3
I get that when I open my gob too wide when I yawn.
Reply 4
hahaha. aw, sounds quite cute. weird. but cute.
Reply 5
Best. Thread. Ever. :biggrin:
Reply 6
I do this.:biggrin: Hahaha I thought I was the only one!
Reply 7
I get that when I open my gob too wide when I yawn.

same here.

they'll be someone coming on here in a few minutes with a scientific reason :wink:
Reply 8
YAY! So glad I did this thread now, Im not alone afterall!!
Reply 9
Best. Thread. Ever.

I do this.:biggrin: Hahaha I thought I was the only one!

Ditto. People look at me like I'm wierd :s-smilie:
Reply 11
At least by 'croak' you don't mean die. That would be really worrying.
Reply 12
Awh! I would find that quite endearing :smile:
I wish people I knew did that.
Reply 13
Awh! I would find that quite endearing :smile:
I wish people I knew did that.

LOL! yeah me too. i think i need new friends.

more croaky friends. *heads to the local pond*.
Yeah I do it all the time. I think it's your jaw or something.
haha me too. im the only person i know who does it, and i didnt always do it. from about 12-14 i think i have. it can be controlled by exhaling at the end of a yawn rather than letting it slowly end, that would indicate its something to do with the volume of air or the relaxation of muscles as you finish the yawn lol. great to see other people do it though ;D
Reply 16
i do this too!
its quite annoying. i dont like people thinking i've burped or something!
Reply 17
Yup, I too do this at the most inappropriate times
Reply 18
Ok, seriously, it's an epidemic. We should quarantine u people!
Reply 19
im croaky too.
such a novelty!