Ok, I know that he will know as soon as he reads this... lets just hope he doesnt read this.
Basically, a few weeks ago me and my boyfriend went on a break, and he met this girl through his cousin. They got on really well, and at first I was really jealous and then I got over it. They're just friends. Then a few weeks later he went to stay near her (they live in different cities) and went to her house party (without his cousin) and I found this really weird, but I got over it too eventually. Then last week, I was back in my home town (where he is) from uni and I had called him on the phone really upset, and he was in this other city having a night out, which was cool. But then it turns out the next day that he was in our hometown, with her, camping. His excuse for not seeing me was that he wanted to start afresh on the saturday (as we had discussed) and didnt want to have our first night back together in a tent. I told him that I didnt actually want to be with him because the way he had treated me... I was just so angry.
I've decided since then that I want to get back with him, give it another shot etc, but I can't get over this girl. He claims they are just friends, but the other night when she went round to his with his cousin, she put her head on his chest when they were watching a film, and both his cousin and other friends have tried to get them together. It just bugs me how I seem to be completely forgotten in all this. Am I being stupid or does it sound like there is something going on with them?
P.S. If you do read this... I'm sorry, but I'm sure you'll be expecting this