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Reply 1
might be biased, but Aston. Unless you are talking Oxbridge/LSE or very mathsy: warwick+durham, Aston is one of the best - great range of course choices, the campus is evolving into something far better, and the people are great.
Aston is the best - I heard that as well. :smile:
Reply 3
Ok thanks guys, what about the best one in and around London? :smile: It's just for the media side of my interest I would have to based near here for all the action, but want a Business degree because it's my overall interest :smile: I know experience counts more in the media
Reply 4
London i would say Queen Mary, or obviously LSE. Bear in mind Aston is a sandwich course, so provides options for a whole years work experience in a media area.
Reply 5
ta lodzinski :d

I know I know, it looks great!! :frown: But I really don't want to move away from around these parts because I want the option of a career in media. I'd like a Business degree for an overall business path in life but am at the moment pursuing a media career. I don't want a micky mouse subject tho! :smile:
Reply 6
Do you know any around Herts, Beds and Bucks at all either?
Reply 7
not really no - my applications were mostly midlands or london based.
Look at the times league table... Nottingham, Aston, Warwick... all good.
Reply 9
LSE and Kings College London are two of the best unis for business. UCL is good too (in London) but only does Information Management for Business (which I'm currently doing) - it's basically half computing and half management.
Royal Holloway is near London and also is good for business/management.

Sorry to say but Herts uni is NOT GOOD. Aston is good but there are MANY MORE better universities that do business. Here is the following list of universities and courses (the names of the courses might not be exactly correct as I am doing this from memory) that I would advise you to consider:

Oxford - Economics and Management
Warwick - Management, International Business
LSE - Management
Kings - Business Management
Bath - Business Management
Nottingham - Management
Edinburgh - Business Studies
Loughborough - Business Studies
Royal Holloway - Business Management
UCL - Information Management for Business
City - Management

Don't put a lot of faith in university rankings, especially not the subject rankings. A lot of people will say "oh well university x has a good business department" when in fact the university AS A WHOLE is inferior. Employers don't care what the department is like when it's a degree like business/management, they care about you and what university you went to. For instance a lot of people rate City's management degree because of Cass Business School, but City itself is actually quite bad and their management degree is not affiliated to Cass because Cass is only concerned with postgraduate. Similarly Durham's business degree is NOT ACTUALLY AT DURHAM, it's in their crappy Stockton campus.

Most importantly do research yourself. A lot.
The hell paddy? How did you end up from something and Russian to this? Random change lol!
Reply 11
The hell paddy? How did you end up from something and Russian to this? Random change lol!

Management and Russian:p:
Quit stalking me!!
Reply 12
visit any of the websites like timesonline or which give the rankngs of these universities. i personally feel times is better.
Reply 13
Is York 'good' for Management?
Do you reckon the 'Business Management' course at the University of Manchester is good?
^ no to first one

^ yes to second
Reply 16
Oh I forgot about Manchester, yeah that's an alright university.
Reply 17
manchester business school is quite famous
For instance a lot of people rate City's management degree because of Cass Business School, but City itself is actually quite bad and their management degree is not affiliated to Cass because Cass is only concerned with postgraduate.

Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it true. Management is a Cass programme.
Reply 19
And just because you refuse to believe it/don't want others to believe it doesn't make me a liar.