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CLEAPSS Hazcards?

I was wandering if anyone knows of a place where i could download all the CLEAPSS Hazcards?
This is for my Chemistry A2 OCR Plan
Thank you
Reply 1
Or just a website with all of them listed and able to be viewed would be good.

Reply 2
I've looked sooooo hard and couldn't find them anywhere :frown: I needed them too! But for safety info and stuff about chemicals this website is pretty good - it has all the hazards and precautions and stuff!
Reply 3
You have to pay for a subscription for the Hazcards, we have the subscription at school. The mark schemes for chemistry are a bit odd as well. The Hazcards class some chemicals as low risk but the mark scheme says to dock marks if they aren't labelled irritant
Reply 4
You have to pay for a subscription for the Hazcards, we have the subscription at school. The mark schemes for chemistry are a bit odd as well. The Hazcards class some chemicals as low risk but the mark scheme says to dock marks if they aren't labelled irritant

Really? I'd better go change that now! :p: That's well bad that you can lose marks even if you follow the hazcards! Thanks for the tip off tho!
the website I use for all my hazards is:

its a really good website and gives you a lot of information on the hazards of whatever you are using.

just as a point always make sure you work out your chemical reactions and list hazards for all products as well as reagents.
Reply 6
Really? I'd better go change that now! :p: That's well bad that you can lose marks even if you follow the hazcards! Thanks for the tip off tho!

Yes well I think at our scholl they're writing to the exam board to explain that we followed the hazcards but you'd think the exam board would check
Reply 7
Original post by r_mowatt
I was wandering if anyone knows of a place where i could download all the CLEAPSS Hazcards?
This is for my Chemistry A2 OCR Plan
Thank you
Reply 8
I really need the CLEAPSS hazcards too!!!