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Reply 1
What is the truth?
Reply 2
Just TELL her that you're too tired. Say that you can arrange it for another day. They always find out that you're not telling the truth in the end. Otherwise say you have homework or something if you're not going to go with the tired excuse, or that your parents have given you some stuff to do at home e.g. hoovering. Or that you're waiting for a parcel to arrive?
Reply 3
dentist's appointment that you had forgot, say youll try and come afteerwards but ring later on and blame traffic/ waiting time/ other task you need to do and so wont be able to come
Reply 4
Say you're really not feeling well (the ****s is something no one questions!) but that you'll try and come round later if you're feeling better.
Reply 5
Tell her you can't be arsed and if she gets funny about it tell her to shut up. :rolleyes:
Reply 6
but what sort of friend would be angry if you are too tired to go to her house, the truth would be better, and shell be WAY more angry if she finds out you lied bwt not bein able 2 go
gd luck
Reply 7
Link her to this thread.
Reply 8
You can't make it for [unspecified reason], but she's quite welcome to attend your funeral in between ten and fourteen days' time.
Reply 9
Why can't you tell her that you're just really really tired?
Reply 10
or why not get her to come round yours- that doesn't involve you moving, and no one gets pissed off, ta dah...
Reply 11
tell her the truth. lies cause far more trouble
Reply 12
"I dont want to?".

Always works for me. They cant argue with you then.
Reply 13
To all the people saying don't tell lies, do you not think that its acceptable in this situation? Its a white lie, no ones getting hurt, and the friend is hardly gonna investigate whether she was telling the truth or not.

Its not as if shes going out somewhere else, she just doesn't want to say "Im tired", which I can kind of understand, as if her friend tries to push her "Oh come on, please? you can't be that tired..." etc, it'll make her feel bad.

I make excuses like this all the time; usually its when a couple of my mates want to go to the pub but Im feeling too tired and don't really want to go and spend money when I know its not going to be a great night, I usually just say "Oh, I've not got any money" or something.

If its going to your friends house, then something like "Oh, I have an essay in for tomorrow that I really need to finish or my teacher will go sick at me", or "Sorry, my auntie/uncle/grandma is coming round and I've not seen them in a-g-e-s"
or "Nah, I feel really bad, had some dodgy xxxxxx at lunchtime and I don't think it agreed with me"
Reply 14
I don't know how appropriate this is but just say that your mum/dad said you can't go. I'm at Uni and when I'm at home this still works for me- as they still say it on occasion D=
Reply 15
What's wrong with "I'm too tired" these days? :s-smilie:
Reply 16
say that you have gotta go for a meal with family so you carnt make it thats what i would say
I would imagine after 7 years the issue has probably resolved itself.
They invented coffee lol
Original post by FubbyTucker
I would imagine after 7 years the issue has probably resolved itself.

No she's still waiting for OP to come and no reason has been provided yet.