The Student Room Group
Reply 1
sorry meant to post this in the foreign langs bit...could someone move it please??
Reply 2
im so sorry not really of much help lol exams are near and we havent even finished the text let alone doing past papers rather scared really. and so far the only funny bit i can think of is the one uve mentioned above.
Reply 3
Well, not funny bits so much as funny characters and ironic situations, like at the camp Moisson Nouvelle with Ange Testi (ironic name) and all of his various ploys to get out of work and be naughty generally is quite amusing, and some of the interactions between the two brothers are amusing- but generally its a sad, serious book...

edit: oh just thought of a good one, at the beginning when the SS offficer goes into the jewish coiffeur run by the joffos to get his hair cut, quite a funny situation!! (and scary too)
Reply 4
Well, not funny bits so much as funny characters and ironic situations, like at the camp Moisson Nouvelle with Ange Testi (ironic name) and all of his various ploys to get out of work and be naughty generally is quite amusing, and some of the interactions between the two brothers are amusing- but generally its a sad, serious book...

edit: oh just thought of a good one, at the beginning when the SS offficer goes into the jewish coiffeur run by the joffos to get his hair cut, quite a funny situation!! (and scary too)

Thanks. ive written, handed in and got my essay back now, but this might be helpful for other people :smile: I mentioned the second one in my essay in the end. i think i also talked about the interaction between the brothers. we did a sort of "speed dating" thing with it the other day, talking about different themes in pairs and one of them was humour and everyone found it quite hard, but sh'es going to go over that again after our orals!


im so sorry not really of much help lol exams are near and we havent even finished the text let alone doing past papers rather scared really. and so far the only funny bit i can think of is the one uve mentioned above.

so you havent done any practice essays or anything? how near to finishing are you? i'd be a bit worried - we finished the text just after chirstmas i think (might have been just after feb half term, but im sure it was christmas) and weve spent time since then looking at themes and essay questions etc.
hope it all goes well though :smile:
Reply 5
um were by chapter ten they are still in help captive in the hotel and yeah i am quite worried n they dont give us any help so thats quite worrying too!!
Reply 6
Did anyone else find this book highly romanticised? Joffo claims it is an autobiography, but my teacher would never let me explain that I felt he had exaggerated a lot, and I found it particularly difficult to believe Joffo remembered such detail, as a child.
Reply 7
Did anyone else find this book highly romanticised? Joffo claims it is an autobiography, but my teacher would never let me explain that I felt he had exaggerated a lot, and I found it particularly difficult to believe Joffo remembered such detail, as a child.

i've read a couple of critics that mention wht u've said n i suppose that to a certain extent that may b true, theres so much detail.