-Learn some nice linking phrases for the pictorial Narrative Roleplay...
Apres ça (after that)
Puis (then)
Ensuite (then)
the 'Après avoir/être' construction (after doing...)
à 8 heures... (at 8 O'Clock)
- Remember in "General Conversation" you are required to cover 3 tenses: past, present & future.
So make sure you are prepared for that although your teacher should give you the opportunity to use all 3...
- It doesn't hurt, if you're aiming high, to put in a few idiomatic phrases and/or even subjunctive.
Try these examples below (but don't change them unless your competent with Subjunctive).
Il faut que je fasse mes devoirs (I have to do my homework)
Il faut que j'aille [pronounced "ji"] a l'ecole. (I have to go to school)
- It's not good enough to just learn your Presentation, you will be asked questions on it or about the topic concerned (eg. holidays)
Although the presentation is only worth 4 Marks it counts towards Quality-of-Language (like General Conversation)
- Try to relax and remember your examiner is not out to trick you or make you do bad.
Alors, bonne chance!