Hi all,
As a little introduction: I am 20 years old and have been home educated since 13. I have attended college and gained 5 GCSE's and 2 A-Levels (all C and above). I also have a BTEC in Aviation Studies awarded by my local Air Cadets. I have 13hrs training on C150/152's towards my PPL. I have been working towards a career as a pilot in the RAF since I was 13. At the moment, I am working on lowering my weight by another stone. I also exercise (gym, run, cycle and swim) every day. So I will be in excellent shape for when I decide to submit my application to progress on to the first interview.
I am booked-in for a presentation on the 7th October. I keep hearing that I should have plenty of questions for the staff/officers that will be giving me the presentation but each time I try to think of questions to ask, I end up thinking about...
1. What will the training involve?
2. How long will the course be?
... and basic stuff like that, that will probably be answered in the presentation. Would anyone else be able to suggest some good questions so that I don't fall flat on my a$$ with a tonne of questions that have been answered during the presentation.
I have also been informed by the AFCO staff that I should work on my Leadership skills. I am going to join Air Cadets as a Civilian Instructor up until I go into the RAF. I am also trying to get a job and generaly brighten up my application.
All suggests will be much appreciated (for anything to do with the selection/application process)
P.S. I am 6ft 3", physically fit, good eye sight.
David (Dave)