The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Even if its a typical degree such as Maths?
The thing is I really want to do my final year abroad, but my university course doesn't offer this option, so its just something thats crossed my mind.
I think it's possible to transfer into the 3rd year.
Reply 3
If it ain't possible then it SHOULD be possible! :mad:
Reply 4
How about contacting your ERASMUS office and adding an extra year to your degree - you can spend your 3rd year in an overseas uni then come back and finish your degree.

Will look good on your CV.
I think it's possible to transfer into the 3rd year.

well you're wrong
Reply 6
well you're wrong

Actually I did it.

You have to have fairly good reasons and you may end up with a different degree title. Basically it is all up to the uni you want to transfer to. Then you have to convince your LEA to transfer funding.

Does your uni offer a diploma as well as a degree? They you can take the diploma from your first uni and get a degree from your second.

You may end up having to do some second year stuff or some aditional stuff, I was only 75 credits (5 15 credit modules) away from an honours degree but the new uni could only APEL 2 years max so I had to agree to 6 20 credit modules (120 credits) also I had some 3 year modules but these can't be counted.

In my case they APELed y years and my degree classification will be worked out on my final year.