The Student Room Group
Reply 1
cant give you stats as its off the top of my head

im doing IBFE and im in my first year, and so far im enjoying it. The modules we have covered/are covering this 1st year are:

financial reporting
management accounting
financial decision making
politics (comparative)
computer applications

in your 2nd and 3rd years you get more freedom to chose your modules, and can specialise more on international aspects. we are still stuck with 20 credits of sociology for our 2nd year.

there is the chance to study abroad in either singapore or sweden in your second semester of your second year. places are limited though so there is an application process, and offers are conditional on good exam results

in terms of future jobs, anything really, apart form medicine/densitry etc. manchester has good industry links and you stand a good chance of getting into the finance industry - insurance, accounting, banking
Reply 2
yep im doing ibfe too and ^^ pretty much summed what i was going to say.

A degree which has the words international, business, finance and economics in it and is from manc will always seem gd to employers in my opinion
Reply 3
got an unconditional for ibfe and will be on it next year :smile:

any idea of the actual number of places available for the study abroad in the second year?
Reply 4
The program is laughed at by investment banks for front office positions so consider elsewhere if this is the career path you want to pursue.
Reply 5
For real?

So you dont think a first will be decent enough? Surely itll be alright for middle office...
For real?

So you dont think a first will be decent enough? Surely itll be alright for middle office...

O/T but hi, im on the same course in september :woo:
Reply 7
Nice one, have ya recieved any course related info from the uni yet?
Nah nothing at all, u?
Reply 9
I accepted back in february as i had an unconditional offer and havnt heard anything since really.. had the usual stuff from ucas but nothing course related like reading lists etc.

Just waiting really:indiff:
Yeh, something should come soon anyway.
which unis do ibfe