The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Liverpool Uni=Good

The other 2 offer **** courses and are pretty much crap

I'm not an expert though :frown:
Reply 2
Liverpool Uni=Good

The other 2 offer **** courses and are pretty much crap

I'm not an expert though :frown:

Erm, well that's a rather blunt way of putting it...

Liverpool university is a red brick uni. It's also one of the top universities in the country (It was placed at No. 34 on the Times University ranking guide, 2008). If you want to study medicine or vetinary science, Liverpool offers excellent courses and standards of teaching. So, generally speaking, yeah it is a much better university than the other two.

John Moores is a former polytechnic, and Hope is a fairly new University (it established university status in 2004-2005, me thinks).

According to the university ranking, Hope ranked 113, and John Moores 85.

Having said that, I'm studying Japanese at John Moores this year :smile: Unless you're studying a particularly competitive course, I don't think it matters a great deal. Obviously, if the university you attend has a more reputable reputation, potential employers are going to look more favorably upon that. But, concerning languages, a degree is a degree. And a lot of people attain good jobs through both enthusiasm, commitment and a small amount of luck.

Don't forget some supposedly 'crap' universities provide better resources for different courses. John Moores in particular tends to focus on sport and drama. Liverpool is excellent for courses in science etc.

I did attend Liverpool University for two months studying Hispanics..and I hated it. Bored the hell out of me. I've always wanted to study an interesting language, but Liverpool didn't do Japanese, so I dropped out and opted for John Moores instead.
The Liverpool Uni campus is in the city centre and is all together.
JOhn Moores- i think the campus is scattered pretty much all over Liverpool (from what i can see when i drive around)
Liverpool Hope - i believe is in the suburbs -Everton i think?

I wouldn't say like anyone was 'crap' they are just different and for different people.
Reply 4
Rachaella Bella
The Liverpool Uni campus is in the city centre and is all together.
JOhn Moores- i think the campus is scattered pretty much all over Liverpool (from what i can see when i drive around)
Liverpool Hope - i believe is in the suburbs -Everton i think?

I wouldn't say like anyone was 'crap' they are just different and for different people.

Isn't Hope more around Childwall?
Reply 5
University of Liverpool = More prestigious. All together on one campus.
John Moores = All over Liverpool city centre. It's more like a backup in case you don't get in to Liverpool. At least, it was for me.
Liverpool No Hope = Mainly for teachers. Otherwise don't bother.
Reply 6
Isn't Hope more around Childwall?

I think they are mistaking Everton with Allerton....HUGE difference!!
Reply 7
Yep, wrong side of the city :P.

Anyhow, as a generalisation (this is not meant to cause offence, just stating it as it is):

The University of Liverpool is the best of the three, in terms of teaching and research, and it THE University of Liverpool (don't confuse it for the other two). It is ranked 42nd in the table out of 115.

JMU is still good, and better than it was, it's a more practical university than UoL, and has some medical disciplines not offered by UoL. It is rated 100th in 115 Universities.

These two have started working together in terms of student welfare facilities.

Hope is (not sugarcoating it) one of the worse universities in the country, it doesnt even submit it's data to the good university guide. But it is a good place to do PGCE.

Liverpool Hope Universities declined to release data for use in the table.
Lol I love how people slam Liverpool Hope here. Let me add my piece to the pie and say that indeed as I sit here actually in Liverpool Hope University I can say without doubt it is the biggest load of ******** ever. I don't feel like a student at a University, more a student at a piss-poor college. Meh, John Moores is decent and Liverpool University is Top Class. If you have a choice, don't choose Liverpool Hope.
Reply 9
Ive done a degree at both Liverpool Uni and JMU.......and the difference is huge. Liverpool Uni is so much better, more organised, better lecturers etc... whereas JMU is a complete joke, I was actually quite shocked! But hey ho...everybody has difference opinions I suppose......