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Weird lump on my neck

Okay this is going to sound totally random and it's not really anything major but it's just slightly annoying me. I have a lump on my neck. It's not very big - about the size of a small piece of blue tac (ok **** example sorry :p:) and it's been there for as long as I can remember now...the past year at least. It doesn't hurt and it isn't getting any bigger. Isn't red or anything. When I pull a weird face and my neck muscles stick it out, it looks really obvious and is quite firm and solid...anyway, it's not showing any sign of going away anytime soon and isn't getting just wondering, anyone have any idea what it might be?

Pics attached...the first pic is what it looks like when I tense my neck muscles and the second one is just what it looks like normally (much less obvious).

I keep meaning to getting around to having it checked out but it just seems so minor :confused:

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i had about 10 lumps in my neck the past 3 weeks, ive had swollen glands that wasnt nice!

i had a small one on the side of my face on my jaw line it sounds simular to wot i had, it was a cyst wot i had (clump of dead white cells), i dont think they usually go away by themselves but it did or its moved somewere else i dunno lol
If I try and move it under the skin, it doesn't really move. It's not malleable. Feels solid - not

Oops, dunno why it was on anon. Forgot to attach pics -
lost ur anonymous there btw

and oo well mine wasnt squishy either, however it did move around at times i felt like i was trying to catch it
Reply 4
looks like a love bite, you been messing around with any guys?
Reply 5
Could be a ganglion. Go to the doctors to get it checked out.
Haha, I've never had a lovebite that looked like a lump before - and no! :p:
if it is worrying you just pop to the doctors im sure they wont mind be a break from coughs and colds they are used to
Yeah I may do, I'm not very good with doctors, always get paranoid they'll end up hurting me to get rid of it. Same with bloody dentists. And seeing as it's not causing me any trouble it's not top of my list right now..but I guess I probably should.
benign cancer?
get is checked out ASAP could spread it's not uncommon for people our age to get it
I'm 3rd year ICL med student
Could be a ganglion. Go to the doctors to get it checked out.

Ganglion's only appear on the feet or hands. I think it probably is a type of cyst though.
You should go to the doctor and get it checked out just incase as we can only guess on here really.
They will be able to reassure you that its nothing, or will send you for some further tests.
Clearly your brain is fragmenting and slowly descending to the lower parts of your body.

See your doctor.
Reply 12
I have a similar lump since birth. In virtually all cases it is minor (like my case). It's basically a protruding lympnode... the interior device that produces antibodies. You SHOULD get it checked anyway, as I did. All they will do is take an X-ray and blood test. The VERY HIGHLY unlikely possibility is that you have contracted cancer... which is why they performed these 2 tests on me. I turned out negative for ANY problems. According to the GP, it gets slightly bigger when you're tired and/or sick (because the rate of antibodie production increases).

You shouldn't worry, if it hasn't caused any pain for a year, then i'm 99.9% certain it is nothing :smile: I'm gonna try and take a picture of my one and show you the similarities.
Reply 13

Okay you can't see it, but it's definitely there.
I have a similar lump since birth. In virtually all cases it is minor (like my case). It's basically a protruding lympnode... the interior device that produces antibodies. You SHOULD get it checked anyway, as I did. All they will do is take an X-ray and blood test.

Yes, I have a very similar lump in my neck too which is a swollen lymph node.The reason I have mine is because I suffer from Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
Anyway, I went to my GP they sent me for blood tests which came back negative. I then went for a Thyroid Ultrasound (they don't usually x-ray this area as an ultrasound gives more info).

To the OP: I think they will probably send you for an Ultrasound as well as you have had the lump for over 4 months.
I'd google some of the sites on swollen lymph nodes and also book a doctors appointment for as soon as possible because it takes a while to be refered for all the tests.
Reply 15
Ganglion's only appear on the feet or hands.

Oh, okay. Learn something new every day. :biggrin: Cheers
Reply 16

I'm 3rd year ICL med student

In another thread you said you just graduated from Liverpool Hope with a 2.1 in physics and that you're looking to do a PhD in physics an Imperial College. Which one is it?
Reply 17
Dang, is there something going round 'cos my mumaaaaay has got a lump on her neck also, shes had it for years but its gotten really big so shes going to get it removed, she wanted to know what it was, Thank God x10000 it wasnt anything major.. the doc said it was just a dormant glad.. its just there, does nothing kind of thing. Possibly you could have the same thing?
Reply 18
benign cancer?
get is checked out ASAP could spread it's not uncommon for people our age to get it
I'm 3rd year ICL med student

First of all I don't mean to be picky but there is no such thing as benign cancer. Benign means it's not cancer.

It looks like a cyst or a swollen lymph node to me. It's best to go to your GP to get it checked out but if it doesn't pose a problem and isn't anything serious (which it's unlikely to be) they may well just leave it so you don't necessarily need to worry about having any procedures to remove it. I had a lump in my neck and it did turn out to be cancer but it didn't look anything like that. It's also unlikely to be that because it's stayed the same size for so long. You should get it looked at though.

Okay you can't see it, but it's definitely there.

Edit your post, you've given away your real name; If that bothers you.