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Best University for Computer Science accepting BTEC/CTEC?

Hi, I'm currently studying the Level 3 OCR Cambridge Technical (CTEC) Diploma which is sort of my school's equivalent to a BTEC qualification. Technical Diploma is equivalent to 2 A-levels. I also take A-level Maths with this. I was wondering if I was to get good grades in both the technical diploma and Maths A-level which universities would accept me for Computer Science.

The ones I have found so far are Manchester, King's College London and City (University of London). These are the only ones I have found so far

TL;DR studying Cambridge technical diploma in IT (worth 2 A levels) with A level Maths, which unis will accept me for Computer Science courses.

P.S. my school doesn't offer A level or GCSE Computer Science *sighs*
We also get a grade at the end of y12 for CTECs as well as an AS grade. Also currently hold 2 AS levels (History and English at B) which at some universities count as 1 A level.

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Original post by computer_noob
Hi, I'm currently studying the Level 3 OCR Cambridge Technical (CTEC) Diploma which is sort of my school's equivalent to a BTEC qualification. Technical Diploma is equivalent to 2 A-levels. I also take A-level Maths with this. I was wondering if I was to get good grades in both the technical diploma and Maths A-level which universities would accept me for Computer Science.

The ones I have found so far are Manchester, King's College London and City (University of London). These are the only ones I have found so far

TL;DR studying Cambridge technical diploma in IT (worth 2 A levels) with A level Maths, which unis will accept me for Computer Science courses.

P.S. my school doesn't offer A level or GCSE Computer Science *sighs*
We also get a grade at the end of y12 for CTECs as well as an AS grade. Also currently hold 2 AS levels (History and English at B) which at some universities count as 1 A level.

Yes Oxford and Cambridge do accept some btecs.
Anyway C/tech exams are hard to get Distinctions trust me
Hi, i'm applying this year with a CTEC and two A Levels for Law (which is heavily competitive) and I applied to all Russell Group universities (including Durham and Bristol) and I told two offers already so I can kind of help.

With a distinction star or distinction in your CTEC course, every Russell Group uni (double check the London ones! Most do but I can't remember which one doesn't.) Will take you!

Ps. Oxford takes CTEC with two A Levels for all their subjects but Cambridge don't take them at all but I remember hearing they'd take it for engineering, you could check if they would take it for comp sci too.
(edited 6 years ago)
Original post by Supernovas
Hi, i'm applying this year with a CTEC and two A Levels for Law (which is heavily competitive) and I applied to all Russell Group universities (including Durham and Bristol) and I told two offers already so I can kind of help.

With a distinction star or distinction in your CTEC course, every Russell Group uni (double check the London ones! Most do but I can't remember which one doesn't.) Will take you!

Ps. Oxford takes CTEC with two A Levels for all their subjects but Cambridge don't take them at all but I remember hearing they'd take it for engineering, you could check if they would take it for comp sci too.


I'd advise to study real hard.
Many were shocked at their results. For a start getting a High grade in the Cambridge technical exam isn't easy, even if you had an A the year before.
Just real hard.
And it was across the uk, not good results
Original post by MeMyselfand I

I'd advise to study real hard.
Many were shocked at their results. For a start getting a High grade in the Cambridge technical exam isn't easy, even if you had an A the year before.
Just real hard.
And it was across the uk, not good results

I didn't know about this! My sixth form had a large percentage of students with distinction and distinction star. No one in my school failed their CTEC subject. Thankfully, I do a single CTEC in business and I got distinction on the exam and coursework in year 12. I just need to tighten up on the year 13 coursework and brush up my studying for my final business exam in January.

Thank you for the heads up! I had no idea that most of the country didn't do as well in CTEC
Original post by Supernovas
I didn't know about this! My sixth form had a large percentage of students with distinction and distinction star. No one in my school failed their CTEC subject. Thankfully, I do a single CTEC in business and I got distinction on the exam and coursework in year 12. I just need to tighten up on the year 13 coursework and brush up my studying for my final business exam in January.

Thank you for the heads up! I had no idea that most of the country didn't do as well in CT

Yes we're talking OVERALL.

Trust me, you haven't finished yr 13 yet. work hard. What did you get for the exams alone.
Coursework isn't so bad ,
I only do exams for unit 1 and unit 2. I got a distinction in my unit 1 exam. I have unit 2 in January.
If anyone is reading this for reference in the future I've emailed Durham, Warwick and Southampton. King's college London have listed it on their website.
Durham require either A* with DD or D*D with an A
Warwick require A* D*D*
Southampton A D*D*
King's College London A DD

(All for Computer Science BsC)
Original post by computer_noob
If anyone is reading this for reference in the future I've emailed Durham, Warwick and Southampton. King's college London have listed it on their website.
Durham require either A* with DD or D*D with an A
Warwick require A* D*D*
Southampton A D*D*
King's College London A DD

(All for Computer Science BsC)


Reply 9
Original post by computer_noob
If anyone is reading this for reference in the future I've emailed Durham, Warwick and Southampton. King's college London have listed it on their website.
Durham require either A* with DD or D*D with an A
Warwick require A* D*D*
Southampton A D*D*
King's College London A DD

(All for Computer Science BsC)

Just to add to that list Warwick accept BTEC Extended Diplomas without A level Maths for their BSc Cyber Security degree with D*D*D
Original post by yt7777
Just to add to that list Warwick accept BTEC Extended Diplomas without A level Maths for their BSc Cyber Security degree with D*D*D

I've also contacted York and they said DD with a B in Maths (A level)
Original post by computer_noob
If anyone is reading this for reference in the future I've emailed Durham, Warwick and Southampton. King's college London have listed it on their website.
Durham require either A* with DD or D*D with an A
Warwick require A* D*D*
Southampton A D*D*
King's College London A DD

(All for Computer Science BsC)

York DD with B in Maths
QMUL D*D with B in Maths, Maths isn't a requirement for QMUL.
Just got an offer from QMUL for CS!
Reply 13
Original post by computer_noob
Just got an offer from QMUL for CS!

Congrats! QMUL is a fantastic university
Where else have you applied/been offered?
Original post by yt7777
Congrats! QMUL is a fantastic university
Where else have you applied/been offered?

I'm applying to:
King's College London
Queen Mary, UoL
I've only recieved an offer from QMUL atm. Super anxious and excited at the same time :s-smilie:
Reply 15
Original post by computer_noob
I'm applying to:
King's College London
Queen Mary, UoL
I've only recieved an offer from QMUL atm. Super anxious and excited at the same time :s-smilie:

Well congrats!

At least you now have an offer! If yiu get all of them I'd recommend Durham, but QMUL is great
Original post by computer_noob
I'm applying to:
King's College London
Queen Mary, UoL
I've only recieved an offer from QMUL atm. Super anxious and excited at the same time :s-smilie:

update: got invited to an applicant open day (optional) from York! "Based on the strength of your application, we are happy to recommend that the University makes you a standard offer." If I do well on their interview (completely optional again) then I can get a reduced offer!
Original post by computer_noob
I'm applying to:
King's College London
Queen Mary, UoL
I've only recieved an offer from QMUL atm. Super anxious and excited at the same time :s-smilie:

KCL offer! So you definitely can get into a top uni with a mix of qualifications.
Reply 18
Original post by computer_noob
KCL offer! So you definitely can get into a top uni with a mix of qualifications.

Congrats! :clap2:

Did you ever hear back from Durham?
Original post by yt7777
Congrats! :clap2:

Did you ever hear back from Durham?

nope not yet, just waiting for them and Warwick. Imo I'd rather go Warwick or KCL than Durham due to links to companies, why did you recommend Durham?

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