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my older brother hates me

I'm pretty sure my brother has hated me from the day i was brought home from the hospital. He would always hit me, make fun of me in front of his friends, call me fat, make me cry (twice on my birthday) despite me always making an effort to be nice to him. We don't have a typical 'sibling rivalry' thing because when I do so much as tease him he gets extremely angry and aggressive. I avoid being in the same room as him because I know he's going to ruin my mood. Anyone had a similar experience or have an idea as to why my brother would dislike me this much?
I could be wrong but he something sounds kind of abusive, please speak to your parents about this because you sound genuinely scared of him. This isn’t a healthy relationship so please start a conversation with them. If they don’t help, get help from Childline. No one should be treated like that by a family member.
how old is he?
Reply 3
Original post by illicitfinesse
I could be wrong but he something sounds kind of abusive, please speak to your parents about this because you sound genuinely scared of him. This isn’t a healthy relationship so please start a conversation with them. If they don’t help, get help from Childline. No one should be treated like that by a family member.

ahh I wouldn't take it that far he's not threatening my life or anything. i'm 16 so i'll be moving out in 2 years and i'll probably just keep my distance after that.
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous
how old is he?

Tbh I don't think that kind of relationship is normal. My sister and I argue from time to time but at the end of the day we always look after each other. Your brother sounds like a horrible and toxic person. I'd stay clear away from him.
That sounds like my brother. But i never felt threatened by him. However i feel that we won’t have proper relationship after we move out and go on with our own lives. I think if you are fine with staying away from him in the future, it’ll be okay if you just ignore him now. That’s what i do 🙂
Reply 7
Original post by Anonymous
Tbh I don't think that kind of relationship is normal. My sister and I argue from time to time but at the end of the day we always look after each other. Your brother sounds like a horrible and toxic person. I'd stay clear away from him.

When I was younger and my parents would call him out on something I would either take his side or stay out of it because I figured that's what siblings should do but he takes every opportunity to gang up on me. I plan on keeping my distance once I move out.
Reply 8
Original post by Anonymous
That sounds like my brother. But i never felt threatened by him. However i feel that we won’t have proper relationship after we move out and go on with our own lives. I think if you are fine with staying away from him in the future, it’ll be okay if you just ignore him now. That’s what i do 🙂

Yeah that's exactly how I see it. Glad someone else is in the same situation. Don't really feel threatened by him either, he just makes my life more miserable than it needs to be tbh.
My brother was always kind to me. He was there for me when I was down. Suddenly, anger and fury began to control him, even though I did nothing. We were playing a guessing game. "your sister (hannah) or a cat?". "A cat. I like them better and my sister has no brain cells and i hate her!". I went to my room crying and here I am now.
Reply 10
My older brother hates me too. It’s jealousy. I’m cleverer than him and better looking. When I left home I never saw him again. You’ll also have that choice soon too.
It’s a myth that you’ve got to love your blood family. Throughout life we can choose our own family
Remember this is his problem that’s infringing on your life. You don’t need confirmation about anything from him.

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