The Student Room Group

Another 'am i being really petty' post

please keep anon boyfriend uses tsr and i dont want to hurt his feelings.

Okay so me and my boyfriend have been going out for over 2 years now and last week it was my 18th birthday. He normally gives me amazing presents that i know he has put a lot of effort into (usually worth over £80) but this year he got me a £20 necklace from argos (in contrast to one christmas he got me a v.expensive necklace from harrods) and it seems especially tight seeing as it was my 18th.

Now i normally would assume that he didnt have much money but recently he seems far more distant, doesnt tell me that he loves me so much anymore and flirts far more with other girls. there were even rumours going round about him coming on to another girl although he did deny it and she did agree they were very exaggerated.

I know that how much money spent isnt important but is this a sign that he really doesnt care anymore? if you stopped liking your partner so much would you take less care over their presents?

Sorry for the long post but im really hurting at the moment and i cant decide if i am being very paranoid.
smooth move with the anon thing
Reply 2
I havn't read it all but you are not anon, and if your boyfriend uses the site I would delete or anon your post
It's hard to tell, you should speak to him about it, but without mentioning the gift cause that would be a bit tactless
Well my bf forgot my 21st completely, got a card the year before though woooah.

He's probably had a lot on his mind, or has run out of ideas to get you. Don't focus so much on what he's spent, just be thankful he remembered!
If he's spending less he's either getting too comfortable or wants out.
maybe it had a sentimental value?
The present doesn't really matter, I sometimes buy people really expensive things and then the next big occasion might be something cheap and cheerful. Whatever the price, I always put thought into it. It doesn't mean anything.

From what you have posted, it doesn't seem that you have much to worry about. You believe him about the other situation right?

Truthfully, are you just a bit peeved that it was a cheap present, and that he may not be interested in you because of this?
Reply 8
I don't think £20 is cheap...

Yeah me neither, but perhaps that just means we're cheapscapes?
Reply 10
Sanity Panda
Yeah me neither, but perhaps that just means we're cheapscapes?

or that we never have any money...

to me, £20 is major dosh lol (i don't have a job... so whatever money i can get my hands on is a blessing :redface: ).
Lol and the OP still hasn't deleted the thread!!!! - I feel bad for her own sake!
Reply 12
or that we never have any money...

to me, £20 is major dosh lol (i don't have a job... so whatever money i can get my hands on is a blessing :redface: ).

:dito: I need a job :frown:

i agree, surely its not the money but the thought behind it. Just because your bf spent less this time doesnt mean he loves you less, maybe he has less money or thought you'd really like the necklace.
Reply 13
even if she made this post anonymous, I think her boyfriend might recognise the scenario if he read the post.
Reply 14
And it's not like everyone is a member of this website. Only one of my friends is and certainly not like my boyfriend or anyone. I wrote a thread about him and it wasn't anon - he obviously isn't going to see it and if he did I don't think he'd mind, but anyway...
The seeming more distant thing is the worst out of those. Ask him how he feels about the realtionship and what he's thinking.
Don't say anything about the necklace being cheap - That isn't the problem, it's a symptom.
Reply 15
OMG I can't believe you told everyone - your dumped.
please keep anon boyfriend uses tsr and i dont want to hurt his feelings.

Okay so me and my boyfriend have been going out for over 2 years now and last week it was my 18th birthday. He normally gives me amazing presents that i know he has put a lot of effort into (usually worth over £80) but this year he got me a £20 necklace from argos (in contrast to one christmas he got me a v.expensive necklace from harrods) and it seems especially tight seeing as it was my 18th.

Now i normally would assume that he didnt have much money but recently he seems far more distant, doesnt tell me that he loves me so much anymore and flirts far more with other girls. there were even rumours going round about him coming on to another girl although he did deny it and she did agree they were very exaggerated.

I know that how much money spent isnt important but is this a sign that he really doesnt care anymore? if you stopped liking your partner so much would you take less care over their presents?

Sorry for the long post but im really hurting at the moment and i cant decide if i am being very paranoid.

you're a vile human-being