The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Nice rhyming title :smile:
Reply 2
If that post had rhymed like the title did for the whole post I would possibly have read it all.
Reply 3

Yeah, you shouldn't have slept with him. He probably shouldn't have done it knowing that you were vulnerable, but at the same time he also didn't have any obligation towards you afterwards, as crap as that sounds.

The important thing is to try not to dwell on it, avoid seeing him and spend more time with your friends. As for the orgasm thing - don't let HIM try it again, that's for sure. Someday you'll meet a guy you really care about and trust and then you can work on it with him :smile:
Can we have a couple of very direct questions that you want answering?

I'm really sorry, I've tried to read the post, but it's language is hard to follow (for someone who is not cool like me!).

I have a feeling that I want to say 'you just shouldn't really see him anymore'!
Reply 5
sounds like a right charmer.

people change, drugs can have that effect on people too :s-smilie: you'll just have to deal with it and move on really.

i think most guys watch porn (? ok i just dropped myself in that one ^^)

fantasising over other people isn't really that much of a biggy, if he was with you and faithful then that's all that matters?

if he's pressuring you over having orgasms, then he isn't helping the matter, pressure will make it even more difficult. it'll happen, don't stress about it.

think you might just need to get him out of your head now, time to move yourself on :frown:

hope i've not misunderstood anything
Reply 6
I feel really awful for you. I have an impossible time getting over people too and I know you won't want to hear this because it seems silly and cliche but getting another romantic interest will help infinitely. Even having a crush on someone else will make you realise your ex is a bit of a bastard and he's changed and become even worse!
You seem to need someone more sensitive who isn't all about drugs and clubbing and stuff and there are millions of boys out there like that! Once you get close to someone else you'll forget why you even liked the ex, apart from maybe to laugh about it and realise you've learnt lessons from it.
Reply 7
thanks guys :-)
Reply 8
Most guys watch porn, it means nothing. Read female agony pages, they'll tell you the same. It's just a way to relieve tension/
. The rest I couldn't read, hurt my eyes...
Reply 9
ex sex isn't good, but you don't need me to tell you that. Its one of those things you learn from experience, and its hurts :hugs:

The best thing you can do is leave it behind you, learn from your mistakes, and wait for the next guy to sweep you off your feet :smile:
It's always hard to see an ex again, when all the old feelings resurface, esp when you were together for so long.
But, as you've said, he's changed, he's not the same guy you fell for and he has made no indication that he wants you back.
You've got to move on, thinking about all the things he said and questioning your whole relationship, is that going to make you feel better? No.
It's hard, but you've got to move on and leave the past in the past.
its never good to have ex-sex.

move on, forget about him. I think you've learnt the hard way that he isn't the guy for you
Reading this, It sounds so similar to what happened between me and my ex after we broke up. Firstly, the whole orgasm thing, idk i think it may be a macho, guy sort of thing; like 'I can make her orgasm when no one else has' probably wants to do it again cos he thinks it will make him feel good about himself. Secondly, How long has it been since you broke up? Im sure you didn't say within your post but it was long so im sorry if i didn't see it. I felt like this for quite a while after splitting with my ex, so i can totally relate to you in that aspect but believe me, with time it WILL get better. All these things you are saying he said that annoyed you, try to let them go over your head. I mean, it doesn't matter that he looked at porn when he was with you, because harsh as it sounds, you;re not together anymore and he is right in saying he doesn't have to answer to you now. However, it is wrong that he slept with you and told you that you are beautiful and he fancies you, but he doesn't want to get back together cos this is clearly sending you mixed signals and thats out of order IMO. You should stay away from him as he is only going to cause you more heartbreak if you carry on sleeping with him, he is having his cake and eating it, cliche as it is. Sorry if this is a bit of a long, rambling reply but this post really struck a chord with me and if you need any more help or advice please PM me. Hope your ok chick xxx
Reply 14
wev been broken up for 2 months. he broke up with me over the phone int he end, and it was the first time i saw him since then.
i no :-( i just thought he was a decent guy and that it would mean mor to him coz we were together a long time. saying he was feelings for me though, and saying he wants to b the one to giv me orgasms makes it sound like he wants to b with me. even tho he doesnt. do u think deep down he does still love me but doesnt want to b with me coz he knows we will end up arguing all the time and falling back into the same tracks? he did say he will never b trogether again coz eventually it will b like last time

I cant say whether i think he still loves you or not because i dont know him, you know? However, I think truly in your heart of hearts you know that it wouldn't work cos of the arguing. And think, if you were to get back with him now your opinion of him would have lowered a lot due to how he has treated you since you guys split up. I think hes confused but he is messing you around and you shouldn't let him. Go out with the girls! Let your hair down and have a really good time and show him what he's missing. :tsr2:
As you have said the ball is in his court now so just leave him to it, do you really want to be with someone who banishes you from their house? I know its hard to hear and i didn't want to hear it when i was in your shoes but from what you have told us, I think it is time for you to move on :cool:

Reply 16
he smiled too and just sort of stared at me and then he kissed me. and then we had sex...

This man is a GOD.
Reply 17
OP edited it out
Reply 18
Similar problem. My gf and I split up a while ago. And she ended up back in the arms of her ex (mainly because I told her I wanted nothing to do with her - I was having a really crap time at the time with loads of my family dying) They ended up having sex. I felt like **** but because I still loved her forgave her.

Shame she won't do the same for me now. I went on holiday and ended up having sex with a girl I met out there. She found out and now won't talk to me and says she can't ever forgive me....