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Reply 1
is kissed different to pulled? If so, I haven't kept count but >20...
seems low to me. i guess theres a bit difference between the party animals and the recluses.
I'm over it already. ha!

17 people.
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 5
1 -_-
and now I'm single again. woohoo.
Reply 7
Er millions? What's a kiss after all.
depends on whether it's just a peck on the cheek or whatever too.
14. :ninja:
Reply 10
(edited 13 years ago)
*counts* around 20, not a lot really!
haha mines well up in the 60's at least

i always just go around kissing people i guess
That sounds very low :eek:

I lost count quite a while ago in my teenage days...
feeling slightly better :biggrin:
Reply 16
Kissed? Lord knows. I get upto allsorts whilst under the influence!
In the 20s I guess? Wow compared to some people that's really not a lot :p:
In my defense, I've just spent two years in a relationship so now I'm single I have a lot of catching up to do! :biggrin:
Reply 18
How is anyone supposed to know how many people they've kissed? I must be more than 60 but I can't be more accurate than that.
Reply 19
:s-smilie: that seems really low 2 me as well. ah well-life's for living eh?!?!?!?