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Manchester Vs Keele

Got an offer both AAB to do medicine at manchester and keele. Struggling slightly to decide between the 2...
Manchester - better reputation, better night life BUT dont like the city campus really
Keele - Preffered the campus, modern med skl (only 4 years old) BUT in the middle of nowhere so very quiet

Any other pro's and con's or advice?

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Reply 1
Well keele obviously has the better reputation and is more respected for medicine, so it does seem an obvious choice.

Although the workload at keele will be much more difficult so therefore you could choose manchester if you want an easy, party filled, time at uni.
Reply 2
Well keele obviously has the better reputation and is more respected for medicine, so it does seem an obvious choice.

Although the workload at keele will be much more difficult so therefore you could choose manchester if you want an easy, party filled, time at uni.

Manchester has a better rep than Keele.
I'd imagine Keele would be difficult when your not living on campus. After visiting the university, any off-campus housing (for your second year etc) seems to be miles away.

Manchester is a great city. You'll find yourself knowing the place like the back of your hand really quickly and there is something for everyone - whether you go to the Lowry studio and watch amazing plays or to the gay village for a night out, or shopping at Aflecks or in Harvey Nicks. If you want green-ness lol, then there are large parks scattered everywhere. Just outside the city centre, about 10 minutes on the bus, you can reach Debdale park, which has tennis courts and all sorts. Plus, you've got Medlock Vale if you travel for like 20 minutes on the bus, which has loads of places to walk / think or to ride horses.

Although it is good that Keele have the modern facilities, Manchester is a longstanding university with a strong background in science.

I hope you are happy, where ever you decide to go. =D
Choose Keele if you're a particular fan of an isolated campus miles from anywhere, with the nearest big town unfortunately being Stoke-on-Trent, if you like going to the same dull uni-run places day in day out for the next few years, if you like living in a goldfish bowl.

If you want to live, definitely go to Manchester!
Reply 5
The Toffy
Manchester has a better rep than Keele.

says who? mister the toffy?
Reply 6
says who? mister the toffy?

Says most of the country. Moron. :rolleyes:
Reply 7
And yes Stoke is a craphole.
Reply 8
The Toffy
And yes Stoke is a craphole.

I think youll find your the craphole who knows nothing about universities. Keele is one of the best in the country (if not the world), some would say that it is on par with Hull (though i believe that's a bit of an exageration).
Keele is one of the best in the country (if not the world), some would say that it is on par with Hull (though i believe that's a bit of an exageration).

You are an EXCELLENT comedian!!:biggrin:
I think youll find your the craphole who knows nothing about universities. Keele is one of the best in the country (if not the world), some would say that it is on par with Hull (though i believe that's a bit of an exageration).

Times University Guide:
Keele - ranked 54 with 3.8 for student satisfaction.
Manchester - ranked 29 with 3.8 for student satisfaction.

Times University Guide: Medicine
Hull-York = 5th
Manchester = 13th
Keele = not yet ranked.

Not that rankings matter but I think it would be unfair to say Keele is publically viewed as one of the best in the country.

That said, I am sure it is the best for many as they love the place / course / lecturers etc. But, please can we leave the insults out of it lol. It doesn't really help the OP.

Reply 11
wow quick responses, thanks for the advice guys n gals!
Reply 12
Between the two i strongly suggest you go for manchester! especially because your doing medicine...... SO SO SO many people from my sixth form have been rejected to do it there. I'm from manchester and I LOVE it. I understand you not liking the campus (thats partly what puts me off studying psychology there). But between it and keele ,, go for manc!
Im Sure you'll love it!!!!!! :smile: Good luck and Well Done :biggrin:
Reply 13
I think youll find your the craphole who knows nothing about universities. Keele is one of the best in the country (if not the world), some would say that it is on par with Hull (though i believe that's a bit of an exageration).

LOL. You my good friend. Got Owned. :smile: As soon as you started typing. You got owned. :cool:

Keele one of the best in the country. HAHA LOL. :rolleyes:
Reply 14
If you don't want to live in the city, Manchester has campuses which are outside the city centre. Have you seen the Victoria Park campus?

TBH, Manchester surpasses Keele in a very large and obvious way in terms of reputation. The Guardian puts Manchester 15th in the country, and 5th for Medicine. THES puts UoM 30th in the world.
The Toffy
LOL. You my good friend. Got Owned. :smile: As soon as you started typing. You got owned. :cool:

Keele one of the best in the country. HAHA LOL. :rolleyes:

Must be a foreign student who doesn't know any better :smile:
Reply 16
The Toffy
LOL. You my good friend. Got Owned. :smile: As soon as you started typing. You got owned. :cool:

Keele one of the best in the country. HAHA LOL. :rolleyes:

i'm wondering whether he is easyiam. who got 15 warnings after 1 day on TSR.
hull, abertay, cardiff, oxford brookes, keele, southamtpon are best in the country. according to him :biggrin:
Reply 17
People! Stoke isn't that bad! Personally if I had to choose between Keele or Manchester i'd say Keele even though for me it is close to home (5 minutes away :biggrin:) purely because it's a nice med school. Manchester is good though..hmmmm
it's not as if by going to Manchester instead of Keele you're NOT going to get a job as a doctor though. You might as well choose the better location!
Reply 19
it's not as if by going to Manchester instead of Keele you're NOT going to get a job as a doctor though. You might as well choose the better location!

Why would you be more likely to get a job as a doctor if you go to Keele? :s-smilie: Manchester is by far the better university, 5th for Medicine in the country if you believe the Guardian - Keele didn't even rank!