The Student Room Group

Anyone else find clubbing a tad boring?

:frown: I'm upset because im not the hardcore raver that my mates are and i ususally cant last a full night (i norm skip off home bout 2 o clocky). But thats because i find nightclubs soooooo boring, (unless im completly wrecked or iv pulled :biggrin:). I mean iv got crappy hearing so i cant understand what anyone says to me and i never get the right level of sound when talkin to people either so the responses i get are either "WHHHHHAAAAT??!?!?" or "OWW MY EAR". Normally I end up just saying yes to whatever people say to me....:frown:

dancingwise i get tired of flapping my arms round like a numpty unless theres a nice lass who wants to show me how its done, and my strike rate on that front is average, im no casanova but i get my share. To be honest i prefer the crack on you have in a quieter bar (music wise), and some of the best banter ever is the drunken convos you have waiting in queues to get in places.

yet every week i pay 6 quid to get in and ridiculous amounts on a few drinks :frown:

enough of my ramble...does anyone else feel the same way?

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Reply 1
I totally agree with you about a nice bar being a better night out than a club. Although, clubbing can be a great way to shake off the constraints of every day pressures and be a little wild.
Reply 2
clubbing is ****, 'moshing' is where it's at :p:

but yeah, I agree, pubs and quieter bars are where it's at, esp for drunken conversations.
Reply 3
yeah its boring... it doesnt interest me at all.
I totally agree - but no-one EVER seems to agree with me...
..half the parties I get invited to are the same "Yeah, and after we're going clubbing", and I'm just like, "Umm...I don't really like clubbing"...
...the looks I get, it's like telling them I'm an alien...
Reply 5
Clubbing is boring, I'd rather go to a pub or a bar that plays atleast half decent music and I find pubs and bars are actually more sociable.
Reply 6
clubbing = ****.

Why would I want to be around a load of hideous (-ly) drunk people, with very loud crap music, smelling only sweat and puke, unable to hold a conversation and paying ridiculous amounts for drinks? Wake up in the morning with a huge hangover, ringing in my ears, tired, etc all for nothing.

It's a load of ****.
Yeah, I agree. I'd much rather go to a quiet pub to have a few drinks and actually converse. The whole clubbing scene is rather dull to me. The only time I want to watch people doing the things they do to each other on the dance floor is on my PC screen at 3am in the morning.

Reply 8
haha, so true ^ :biggrin:
Reply 9
clubbing = ****.

Why would I want to be around a load of hideous (-ly) drunk people, with very loud crap music, smelling only sweat and puke, unable to hold a conversation and paying ridiculous amounts for drinks? Wake up in the morning with a huge hangover, ringing in my ears, tired, etc all for nothing.

It's a load of ****.

I might be labouring this point somewhat, but even I wouldn't go to a club like that. Yet I am very supportive of clubbing simply because, unlike most of the population of TSR, I am a bit discriminating over where I go clubbing. No puke, quiet areas indistinguishable from a good bar, able to have a conversation with perfect ease...
Reply 10
I prefer pubs, I get claustrophobic in clubs.
Reply 11
I used to fairly like going clubbing when i was younger. Would only do it very rarely now and I would be picky about where I went.
The music is ****, the chavvy people are **** and the whole "livin for da weekend" thing is so fake and irritating.

I'd much rather go to a good house party or a gig :smile:
Reply 13
I'm going to stand up here and say I enjoy going to a club. I like dancing. I like loud music. I like getting drunk.

This is because, unlike a not inconsiderable section of the TSR population, I go to decent clubs/nights and I'm not a socially retarded 17 year old.
Reply 14
I'm going to stand up here and say I enjoy going to a club. I like dancing. I like loud music. I like getting drunk.

This is because, unlike a not inconsiderable section of the TSR population, I go to decent clubs/nights and I'm not a socially retarded 17 year old.

lol. I'm not a socially retarded 17 year old, I'm 19 :p:

meh like I said, moshing = good. I'd rather go to a rock club/gig or something. When I go proper clubbing I seem to get in fights :/ so I avoid it...the guys tend to be animals toward me and don't understand the words 'leave me alone' or '**** off'.
Reply 15
I'm going to stand up here and say I enjoy going to a club. I like dancing. I like loud music. I like getting drunk.

This is because, unlike a not inconsiderable section of the TSR population, I go to decent clubs/nights and I'm not a socially retarded 17 year old.

Well said, sir. I mean, when some people are suggesting that the clubs they go to are 'chavvy', and then wonder why they don't enjoy themselves...
Reply 16
The problem with clubbing is that you either have an incredible night or an astronomically **** night. You have to go with the right people, with the right amount of money, at the right time, with the option of being able to sit somewhere and making sure you can go home whenever you need to without any restraints.
Reply 17
L i b
I might be labouring this point somewhat, but even I wouldn't go to a club like that. Yet I am very supportive of clubbing simply because, unlike most of the population of TSR, I am a bit discriminating over where I go clubbing. No puke, quiet areas indistinguishable from a good bar, able to have a conversation with perfect ease...

And the music? Heavy bass to cover the lack of talent required to put together such "music"? I will admit this does cover a number of modern pop and rock "artists" but I tend to find that I'm more likely to hear classic tunes in a bar or pub than in a club.
Reply 18
L i b
I might be labouring this point somewhat, but even I wouldn't go to a club like that. Yet I am very supportive of clubbing simply because, unlike most of the population of TSR, I am a bit discriminating over where I go clubbing. No puke, quiet areas indistinguishable from a good bar, able to have a conversation with perfect ease...

I don't know where you find such clubs because every single one I've been to, across many different cities in England has been absolutely vile.

Given most didn't actually smell of puke when I went to them, they smelt of cigarettes which is far preferable, however following the smoking ban it tends to be more puke-y/sweat-y smelling now.
Boring introverted people with no 'chat' always hate clubbing. Its like a badge of honour you guys wear to emphasize how superiour you feel towards the masses while playing late night chess and singing choral music with your fellow misfits. Clubbing is a fun environment to let go a little, loosen inhibitions and quite often meet interesting people of the opposite sex (if you are so inclined). The complaint that you 'cant talk to people' is utterly bull****. Leave the dancefloor and there are many places you can talk, in fact, its what most people spend most of their time doing!

PS: Try dropping a couple of pills if you find clubbing boring, that will certainly liven up your night.

Also haha spot on to the guy above me, shame you crossed it out.

PPS: 'Rock' and 'Pop' is not 'clubbing' music, and the fact that thats all you know of simply demonstrates you aren't going to clubs you are going to cheesy student bars-with-dancefloors designed solely to liberate the participant from as much of his money as possible. Clubbing is about electronic music, ie DANCE music. The clue here is in the activity you participate in while clubbing. Indy is not designed to dance to.