Boring introverted people with no 'chat' always hate clubbing. Its like a badge of honour you guys wear to emphasize how superiour you feel towards the masses while playing late night chess and singing choral music with your fellow misfits. Clubbing is a fun environment to let go a little, loosen inhibitions and quite often meet interesting people of the opposite sex (if you are so inclined). The complaint that you 'cant talk to people' is utterly bull****. Leave the dancefloor and there are many places you can talk, in fact, its what most people spend most of their time doing!
PS: Try dropping a couple of pills if you find clubbing boring, that will certainly liven up your night.
Also haha spot on to the guy above me, shame you crossed it out.
PPS: 'Rock' and 'Pop' is not 'clubbing' music, and the fact that thats all you know of simply demonstrates you aren't going to clubs you are going to cheesy student bars-with-dancefloors designed solely to liberate the participant from as much of his money as possible. Clubbing is about electronic music, ie DANCE music. The clue here is in the activity you participate in while clubbing. Indy is not designed to dance to.