The Student Room Group

Business School Ranking Chart (Uwe in top 20)

Hi all

Just wanted to share a business school ranking chart with you all, It was complied in 2001 by the times, but im sure it is still valid.

UWE comes in at 20th place, much higher than people give the uni credit for.

Here is the article:

Ive added the top 40 to the post:

2 Warwick
3 London, LSE
4 Lancaster
5 Bath
6 Nottingham
7 Manchester
8 City
9 Strathclyde
10 London, Imperial

11 Loughborough
12 Edinburgh
13 Cranfield
14 Surrey
14 London, Royal Holloway
16 Kingston
17 St Andrews
18 De Montfort
19 Nottingham Trent
20 Bristol, West of England

21 Northumbria
22 Reading
22 Stirling
24 Southampton
25 Glamorgan
26 Cardiff
27 Sheffield
28 Leeds
29 Glasgow
30 Bradford

31 Birmingham
32 Cambridge
32 Keele
34 Aston
35 Aberystwyth
36 Oxford
37 Exeter
38 Robert Gordon
39 Bangor
40 London, Kings

The rankings for each business school are based on teaching quality assessment by the Quality Assessment Agency (50% of the ranking), the research ratings (30%) and the average A level grades of undergraduates in 1999 (20%).
Reply 1
I got an unconditional to study business at Strathclyde and declined it...maybe that was a bit daft lol.

Reply 2
Hey Willum I'm an accounting and finance student at UWE BBS, I find the ranking table very interesting, would you mind linking me to the orginal article?

Cheers, Darklight
Reply 3
Hello Darklight,

I am also going to be studying accounting and finance.

Here is the link:

Thats generally a good website.

Are you a fresher?

Reply 4
No mate, i was a Fresher last year. I'm a student rep and President of the UWE Accounting society - so I'm sure you will bump into me sooner or later! If you have any questions or think i can help you with anything please let me know! :smile:
Reply 5
Sorry for the double post, but if you find any more recent servey data would you mind forwarding them to me? My email is [email protected]
Reply 6
Yeah, i do alot of research into that kind of thing.

Didn't mean to presume that you were a fresher.

You use data like that for the society? Also i would love to get involved in the Accounting society, any advice?

Reply 7
Cool! We'd love any help. You see we've just started this year - and the second year accounting students are hard to motiviate! We only started planning for this in the second semseter. So naturally alot of people were more interested in there end of year exams, which is fair.

I've written to alot of places about arranging possible field trips, including ACCA, ICAEW and more fun places like Alton Towers. I guess I just have to hope enough people are interested and sign up! Else the SU will shut us down :eek:

Sorry for bad spelling or grammar, been at work all day and im tired!