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Reply 1
I train Krav Maga. Why? Because it's literally kickass! =)
Reply 2
Wow, Krav Maga is pretty hardcore.
I did judo for a while - being a big guy the other martial arts seemed to penalise me for my weight. I gave up though, after dislocating my shoulder twice.
sassy but sweet
And guys if you do martial arts(assuming someone on here dose) Then what type is it and why are you doing martial arts?!

I practised taekwondo :cool:
Reply 5
I practise Brazillian Ju Jitsu. Been doing it for about a year now, its pretty intense.
Reply 6
Not really. Thank goodness my bf got it out of his system before we met. Comes in handy when being attacked in dark alleyways though. :biggrin:
Reply 7
I used to when I was younger, as an interest not to protect myself. If somebody was charging at you with a knife, the last thing you would be doing would be scouting your manual trying to workout the best way to hip toss the attacker.
Reply 8
I'm thinking of either doing 'ju juitsu' (don't know how you spell it) or karate at uni but can't decide which!
Reply 9
I'm doing kickboxing at uni. I suppose thats not really a martial art but its still pretty fun...
Ooo, what about girls who do martial arts? (I'm asking as I am one)
Elpaw - make your mind up! :rolleyes: :tongue:
Reply 12
i do Tai Chi. :biggrin:
Reply 13
sassy but sweet
Whats up!! Guys who know martial arts have top billing in my book of sexy!! And no I'am not watching too many action films(ok thats a lie)*Grin* Anyway what do you think?! Girls I mean!! And guys if you do martial arts(assuming someone on here dose) Then what type is it and why are you doing martial arts?!

my boyfriend does martial arts and he is very sexy, so yes :smile:
Reply 14
Why is there no options for 'not sexy' ?
Ooo, what about girls who do martial arts? (I'm asking as I am one)

I like it :tongue:
Reply 16
Ooo, what about girls who do martial arts? (I'm asking as I am one)

Which one of them do you do?
Reply 17
I do Jiu-Jitsu. I've been doing it for about 2ish years now, and it's great fun. Keeps you quite fit, too.

In regards to Jitsu or Karate - do Jitsu. It's far more practical and rewarding.
Reply 18
Brazilian jiu jitsu
Muay thai
Wing chun

Krav Maga is awesome btw, where abouts do you train ?
Which one of them do you do?

I've been doing Taekwondo since I was 7, so almost 13 years now.