The Student Room Group

Indian Parents

(Post as Anon)

Is it me or do these kind of parents love giving their children a hard time for no ****ing reason at all.

Honestly I think its getting to me and making me seriously annoyed, I cant do any of the following things;
-Go out on a friday/saturday
-Go out anywhere apart from the gym, work and college
-Go clubbing or parties!
-Go out to the cinema or some bull**** like that with friends

I dont even want to drink, smoke etc I just want to chill-out with some friends from college, work and the gym its like im a social guy and to be stuck at home every weekend is boring!

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Reply 1
Grin and bear it till university?
Reply 2
Wow, you have it bad...asian parents suck...will you be going to uni/moving out soon?
Reply 3
Wow, you have it bad...asian parents suck...will you be going to uni/moving out soon?

The nonsense of your post made me chuckle. :p:
Reply 4
Not all are like that. Are you a 'good child'?

Do they have a reason to behave like this? your past etc?
Reply 5
How old are you?

I'm 16 and my parents are cool. They were abit over protective pre 16 but as soon as my GCSEs were complete and I started college I was given a lot of freedom.
Reply 6
The nonsense of your post made me chuckle. :p:

Little things please little minds :wink:
Reply 7
Well, it may be because they don't trust you for whatever reason... I'm out often and I'm indian.
Reply 8
hmmm,no. i think asian parents r more concerned about how their children grow up in this corrupted world,however i think they should understand you more and let u experience bads and goods of society beside controlling,u didn't mention ur age btw

LOL!! :biggrin:

That should cheer you up OP!
Reply 10
hahaha same back by nine etc. but cinema is a bit mean though cos i am the youngest apparently i am kept on the tightest leash, doesn't stop me though :-D xx
Reply 11
haha My Son Got A B in classical studies!! pfft
Its a cultural thing, my dad in particular used to be really bad.
You just have to deal with it really.
Reply 13
go you tube Russell Peters

straight to the point :

if u have a bit more time, watch the whole show :
part 1 out of 4 :

that shall make u smile and relate.

but to add a serious note : communication is the key. and show them that they can trust u.
Reply 14
I'm 18 and i think the last friends party i went to was 2 years ago.
I have no problems with communicating but it's like omg he wants to go clubbing, my brother was always allowed but i'm not?
I dont even want to drink or smoke!!
Its like we dont want you to pick up bad habits, I dont smoke, I dont drink **** that I dont even really want to go clubbing, just shopping with mates and have a starbucks - its like you should work instead or try and study!

I think my studies are getting affected by the simple stress of simple tasks, I'm thinking of starting to lie to them and drive to college on days I have off and say i'm revising and go out - but its unfaithful I think too.
You moving out soon?
Reply 16
I tried reasoning wth my parents in sixth form, but they weren't budging on the strictness. I feel annoyed that I couldn't do much socially in those two years, but made sure I got them to agree to me living out for uni. Hopefully you can reason with them to let you out sooner, but if not, make it clear that after A Levels it's your terms.

If you do go to uni, it's better if you live in halls - they just can't control you anymore :biggrin: Consider a different city if they play the 'financial reasons for living at home' card. And don't be swayed by the idea of home cooked meals and less cleaning - anyone can cook dal, your freedom is worth more!
As an Indian, I find that Asian parents are really strict. The focus is always on getting good grades. Anything that involves going out has to be discussed days in advance and has to be close by. It's a huge pain. I have found a little loophole that works well for me. My best friend is Indian so whenever I want to go out, I just tell them she's coming along. And my parents let me go. :smile:
Reply 18

LOL!! :biggrin:

That should cheer you up OP!

OP, my parents are stricter than yours...count yourself lucky. :redface:

and that clip is lol.
i actually have the reverse problem haha, i get enough freedom to go out etc (cant be out proper late though) and im sure ill get alot more in the college phase. What i dont like is my parents dont expect more of me and unless im pushed i get lazy and fail :|

dont worry, at uni itll be great.. no parents pissing you off and you can do what you want (my mum was actually trying to deter me from pushing myself hard at gcse and a level.. shes like 'oh you cant get As, just get ABB and go to birmingham.. the 448 goes there and you can live at home with us)

i just laughed my arse off on the spot and told her.. mum if i had the chance to get the grades for imperial or bristol, why would i go to birmingham or aston just to stay at home :biggrin: