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You don't need RP to go to either Oxford or Cambridge! Accents are fine, and dandy. Some have RP, some don't. It'll be a mix, whatever happens, as everyone has different backgrounds. You *really* don't need elocution lessons!
Reply 2
You don't need RP to go to either Oxford or Cambridge! Accents are fine, and dandy. Some have RP, some don't. It'll be a mix, whatever happens, as everyone has different backgrounds. You *really* don't need elocution lessons!

Oh good.its just that a friend of mine who goes to a different school said that a representative from cambridge/oxford came into her school, and when she talked to him about applying, he advised her to get elocution because she has a liverpool accent so she says!I dont know if shes making it up or not though, is it likely that he'd suggest elocution?
Reply 3
Dont do nething - with the way the governemnt are going there will soon be a quota for those who dont speak right and propper.

And anyway - the dumber you sound (dont take that badly) the greater your chance of getting in providing the contetn is all true.
Okay, one, to the friend who had an Oxbridge student tell her about elocution, tell the Oxbridge student to get *stuffed*. Seriously, who you are has no bearing on whether or not you get in, unless your accent makes you completely nervous around RP people! Just relax, and be yourself.

And they don't have a 'quota' that's the point of Oxbridge! They look at the student, not the background.
Reply 5
Oh good.its just that a friend of mine who goes to a different school said that a representative from cambridge/oxford came into her school, and when she talked to him about applying, he advised her to get elocution because she has a liverpool accent so she says!I dont know if shes making it up or not though, is it likely that he'd suggest elocution?

It sounds like he's kidding.
It sounds like he's kidding.

I suggest you turn up to your intervieeww and speak in middle dutch.

Reply 7
Hi, im thinking of applying to cam or oxford next time for 2006 entry,but the problem is i speak with a yorkshire accent.would it be advisable to get elocution so i have RP?do most people at oxbridge have RP?i dont want to be an outsider!Thanks


eh? wot's RP when it's @ home?
Reply 8
eh? wot's RP when it's @ home?

This is.
Reply 9
I've been here for nearly two weeks and there are all sorts of accents floating around... what use is a posh accent if you speak rubbish?
Reply 10
Its very hard to give the impression that you've been babbling away with RP since infancy, if you haven't. I'd say they'd know quickly enough if some1 was putting it on.
Reply 11
Its very hard to give the impression that you've been babbling away with RP since infancy, if you haven't. I'd say they'd know quickly enough if some1 was putting it on.

I think it depends on how strong your accent is. And when you think about it, accents do influence our judgement of people. We wouldn't really take Tony Blair or anybody in authority very seriously if they spoke with a very strong Liverpool or Birmingham accent, would we?
I think it depends on how strong your accent is. And when you think about it, accents do influence our judgement of people. We wouldn't really take Tony Blair or anybody in authority very seriously if they spoke with a very strong Liverpool or Birmingham accent, would we?

Possibly, but the interviewers at Oxbridge are experienced enough not to let daft things like accents cloud their judgement.

Don't get elocution lessons! They'd be a total waste of your time and money. Spend the time doing work and reading about your subject instead; that will be far more likely to be rewarding!
Reply 13
I've got in to Cambridge and I have a partial Yorkshire accent when I speak sometimes (I'm from Leeds). It doesn't really pose a problem, but be prepared to take a litle bit of stick (in the nicest way possible) for not pronouncing bath "barth" and laugh "laaarrrrf" by some of your friends. As long as you don't go about saying things like "put wood in' t'oil", I'm sure you'll be fine.
Its very hard to give the impression that you've been babbling away with RP since infancy, if you haven't. I'd say they'd know quickly enough if some1 was putting it on.

LOL I sound absolutley ridiculous if I try to put on an RP accent. And I concentrate so much on trying to pronounce things differently, that I have no idea what I'm saying! And I dont even have a strong accent...I just sound common! :biggrin:
Reply 15
Get it done, get you further in life, careers wise etc after uni, even if oxbridge dont care.
I quite like my just a hint of Yorkshire accent :smile: I never even thought for a moment about elocution lessons... I wouldn't want to be accepted for any reason other than academic merit and enthusiasm, so I'm sticking as I am :smile:
We wouldn't really take Tony Blair or anybody in authority very seriously if they spoke with a very strong Liverpool or Birmingham accent, would we?

Christ, does anybody take Tony Blair seriously anyway?!

Yorkshire accents are cool, keep it!
Hi, im thinking of applying to cam or oxford next time for 2006 entry,but the problem is i speak with a yorkshire accent.would it be advisable to get elocution so i have RP?do most people at oxbridge have RP?i dont want to be an outsider!Thanks


having a funny accent will help you get in. up your minority appeal
At the oxbridge open days I felt very very northern, but i pick up accents easily so if i get into oxford I'll develop a nicer accent once I'm there. It's going to be scary trying not to sound too common at the interview when I know I do but i guess a lot of other people feel the same way. x