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Bar Risa is absolutely dreadful - just one of those traps that Freshers get drawn into because they don't know any better!
depends what kind of music you're into. Myself I like Star at Leeds Met (fri nights) and Wendyhouse at Leeds Uni (3rd sat of every month).
Reply 3
Haha what's wrong with Risa? Cheap drinks, lots of students, good music?!
Risa is crap, it plays terable music for a start of, and full of the type of people i generally odnt get on with.

Im a big indie bum, so you would think i go to places like the faversham, and the cockpit, and subculutre.

Well i dont, because everyone in leeds is gay and has crap music taste, i get dragged to tigertiger, nu bar, risa, etc, (well all the people who i, flatmates/people in opal) my lack of decent music has now drove me to be some sort of hermit who has no friends and sits in my room all day :frown:

Oh well, im starting the whole uni thing all over agian in sept!!
Faversham is a good night out on a saturday, or Cockpit on a friday. For more mainstream stuff I always preferred Oceana on a monday night, but as I'm now supposed to be a responsible working type I rarely manage to get out to club nights, especially in the week. I like to hang around overpriced bars in the city centre such as Sandinista, North Bar, Reform, Verve, Santiago etc, pretending I'm a 'professional' and wasting large volumes of cash!

One of the best nights when I was a student over the last 3 years was the 80s night that used to be at the fruit cupboard and then moved to Rehab - do they still have that? 80p drinks and 80s music, can't go wrong!
Yeah i go to the 80's night in rehab a bit, that can be a laugh.
Reply 7
What kinda music do they play at Risa?
Last time i went it was all RnB and crap like that.
Reply 9
Nothing wrong with a bit of (decent) RnB... not my preference though.

Anyone know if there are any good Dubstep/funkyhouse clubs about?
Reply 10
It depends the first room in Risa plays Funky House/a bit of electro and loads of old skool dance tunes. The second room plays mainly rnb/garage stuff.

Untitled - there are loads of people in Leeds who are into the indie scene. Can't say it's my thing, so I'm probably not that experienced to comment, but there are lots of people into it. Can you not just find some different mates to go to subculture with?

Escorcio - funky house definitely has to be SPACE in leeds. Funky dory on Sundays is the place for you.

I'll be honest I'm not sure what dubstep actually is but if it's anything like 4x4, 2 Step then Puro if the place for that. Or Bassline pressure at the blaze in bradford.
Reply 11
Ouch isn't Bradford a lil far away? (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm from london :biggrin:)

Thanks for the info
Reply 12
It's only about 15 minutes on the train. I would go as far as saying Leeds outside London has some of the best clubs in the country...It's just Blaze nightclub has a pretty big reputation, or so I'm led to believe, for grime/4x4/2 step...Although i don't really know if dubstep is the same.
Reply 13
Is the grime/2 step scene quite big in Leeds then? :biggrin:
Dubstep is like a mix of Bassline, Niche, etc

Dubstep =
Reply 14
And wouldn't getting train to Bradford be a big hassle on the way back? What time is the last train?
don't know Leeds' dubstep scene but you can be pretty much guaranteed there'll be nights for it.
I'm into Indie/electro etc.

I go to Faversham on a Saturday for Bad Sneakerers club night, but the last 9 months or so it's started getting really crowded and lots of idiots have started going & really get on my nerves there. So I don't go as much.

I sometimes go to Gigantic on a Thursday at Subculture, and there's also some other nights there like Hospital Radio (once a month on a Fri?), which is just more of the same.

There's Wire, with Strangeways on once a month on a Fri, Wire also have Fuzzy Logic on Thursdays & Saturdays some indie night I forget the name of.

Cockpit has loads of club nights. But I generally hate cockpit and the people that go, knobheads. (I always get people ramming into me or knocking drinks on me when I'm there).

PIGS is the super scene indie fashionista night held last Tues of every month at HiFi and I generally enjoy that because I know lots of people that go to that.

There's a bunch of new indie/electro nights just started up at the venue space above The Library pub, like Because, Electroplasm, Fake Hips & Don't The Kids Just Love It.

Leeds Uni Union has Brighton Beach once a month (retro MOD sort of stuff (well that's what it's meant to be, though it was more regular indie when I last went). Wax:On is the big electronic club event held there once a month. This is my FAVOURITE night BY FAR. Always sells out and is immense and packed.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Stuff goes on at Elbow Rooms and other places but I've never been there yet.
Nothing wrong with a bit of (decent) RnB... not my preference though.

Anyone know if there are any good Dubstep/funkyhouse clubs about?

There's Subdub at the West Indian Centre in Leeds (chapel town I think)
It's really popular and my friends that go absolutely love it. Not if that's similar to what you're wanting.
Bar Risa is absolutely dreadful - just one of those traps that Freshers get drawn into because they don't know any better!

Yeah...I've been there once and it felt like popular culture had entirely passed me by.

I like the Faversham on a Wednesday, Brighton Beach at the union, and I have guilty love for Dry Dock's pound a pint night on Tuesdays :smile: ...It's fantastically emo...

Oh...And Rehab's 80's night :redface:
Rehab 80's night is mint, ive never been the fav on a weds tho im i swear im going to one day, Never been dry dock tues :frown: