I'm into Indie/electro etc.
I go to Faversham on a Saturday for Bad Sneakerers club night, but the last 9 months or so it's started getting really crowded and lots of idiots have started going & really get on my nerves there. So I don't go as much.
I sometimes go to Gigantic on a Thursday at Subculture, and there's also some other nights there like Hospital Radio (once a month on a Fri?), which is just more of the same.
There's Wire, with Strangeways on once a month on a Fri, Wire also have Fuzzy Logic on Thursdays & Saturdays some indie night I forget the name of.
Cockpit has loads of club nights. But I generally hate cockpit and the people that go, knobheads. (I always get people ramming into me or knocking drinks on me when I'm there).
PIGS is the super scene indie fashionista night held last Tues of every month at HiFi and I generally enjoy that because I know lots of people that go to that.
There's a bunch of new indie/electro nights just started up at the venue space above The Library pub, like Because, Electroplasm, Fake Hips & Don't The Kids Just Love It.
Leeds Uni Union has Brighton Beach once a month (retro MOD sort of stuff (well that's what it's meant to be, though it was more regular indie when I last went). Wax:On is the big electronic club event held there once a month. This is my FAVOURITE night BY FAR. Always sells out and is immense and packed.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Stuff goes on at Elbow Rooms and other places but I've never been there yet.