Thanks, you put it in a very nice manner and i appreciate that. British students have high expectation of Bristol and Durham as i suppose both of them are constantly top ten in England for individual subject's ranking, but i personally never think either one of them would be even ''comparable'' with Oxbridge, just that in England, they rank after Oxbridge so people(especially their prospective students)tend to brag about it. I saw quite a few British students saying that law graduates from Bristol are very highly regarded in the top law firms in London, don't know if that's true. Some of the London law schools' students(such as King's)even sort of admitted the saying is quite true. Anyway, i never look down on Nottingham for Medicine, or else i wouldn't even apply there in the first place. Bristol was famous and prestigious because at one time, their private school students' intake was right behind Oxbridge..
Besides, it's quite true that most people here in Asia have never heard of Bristol or Durham and all the know are the Oxbridge and the London colleges. We can't really blame them as Oxbridge are the top in the world while London is the capital city of England. However, i realised that most of them that studied overseas in the UK and even their close relatives do know about Bristol and they respect that University a lot. You don't really expect Bristol to be as famous as Oxbridge or UCL, do you? Most international law firms should at least heard of Bristol, but they probably only know Oxbridge and UCL better besides wouldn't a Bristol or Nottingham law graduate stand a better chance against a, say, Keele graduate(this is just an example).