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Reply 1
Yeah I got that...random or what. But it means we can have an AMAZING pressure free gap year. Du know the conditions?
Reply 2
no not yet. just found the email this morning, after spending the entire of yesterday obsessively ucas checking to find nothing! do you know your conditions? you going to accept it?
Reply 3
No I don't know the conditions either, but I'm definitely accepting it. Imagine what you can do in that year! Go live abroad, work doing something you enjoy, without worrying about personal statements, interviews, UCAS, exams. Soo good!
Reply 4
yer thats what i thought. got a good year to get some money and have a good laugh with my mates without the pressures of college n stuff! fantastic!
After being given an offer for normal entry, is it possible to contact the uni and defer it for a year? (Im just curious... possible back up plan if my funding plans fail)
Reply 6
i think so but you need to have a good reason to. and funding seems like a good reason. im sure the uni would like thier money.
I'm sure they would!! .... haha,..... I'm just trying to think of back up plans... just in case things go pear shaped
Reply 8
what kind of funding can grads get anyways? i cant see how anyone can afford the full fees at edin and the likes.
bank loans: HSBC, Lloyds tsb and Natwest... we also used to have the option of Sallie-Mae loans which are discontinued, other than that its down to savings, what little student loans we can get, and then scholarships and bursaries
Reply 10
woah that seems like a pain! but it will be so worth it when you have your vetmed!
Reply 11
well done benj89 on your offer! do you no he conditions yet or do you have to tell them you want to accept that first and then they give you conditions?
Reply 12
thanks! i have no idea! its not come up on ucas yet.

'Confirmation of this offer of a deferred place will be sent to UCAS and I hope that you will be interested in accepting it'

i'm well chuffed cos i spent ages contemplating a gap year anyway... guess they made that choice for me!
Reply 13
Nikki deferred her Notts offer on results day, i think for the same reasons of funding. If you speak to the unis Im sure they will be understanding.
Thanks... I know its early days... I just need to know all of my options all the way through
Reply 15
I've defered for two of my offers, and have just emailed Liv to defer, both were really cool bout it, i said whatt i was planning to in my gap year, travel, work abroad, work experience, made it sound amazing and said that i would become a better student for having a year out, give a good reason and most places are fine, Bristol even encourage gap years as they often make better vets having had some life experience before uni. as long as its worthwhile not just dossing around at home there shouldn't be a problem.
yay i dont feel like the only person on here not going til 2009 now :biggrin:
i applied straight for deferred entry though, i decided i wanted to have a break before another 5 years of education :p:
plus gap years can be amazing, quite a few of my friends are taking them as well so i wont be lonely :smile:
Reply 17
yay x_georgina_x it is great to find someone who wants to take a gap year, i want one as i really dont think i could cope with going straigt to uni for 5 years, will so need a break, and theres so much to do in a year, i only didnt apply straight for defered as my careers adviser didnt think i was a good enough applicant, but she was pretty clueless so have just had to email unis.
what are you planning to do?
ermmm well ive applied for a job at pfizers so i can earn money :smile: then in april 09 im going to south africa for 14 weeks on these conservation placements, i spend 8 weeks with a wildlife vet, 4 weeks at a wildlife rehabilitation centre and 2 weeks on a game rangers guide course
i cant wait :biggrin::biggrin: ive just got to get the money and learn to drive by then lol
Reply 19
wow that sounds amazing, are you going with a gap year company, if so which one, do they do lots of that kind of thing. so far i'm going to work as a scuba diving instructor in october,somwhere hopefully far east, then travel for a bit, but would really love to do something like that.