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Year 10 advice?

Any advice for me over the summer? I'm going into yr 10 in September, is there anything i need to know?

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You don’t really have to do anything over the summer tbqh. In terms of what you should do in Year 10, pay attention in class and make good notes as you go along, as it’s much easier to stay organised than to get organised
Agree with @SkyRunner61!
In year 10 make sure you make your revision resources (flashcards,mindmaps etc) as you go along, same with notes.
All the best in year 10 xxxx
Original post by Kasia_Kuczaj
Any advice for me over the summer? I'm going into yr 10 in September, is there anything i need to know?

Hi, I just finished Year 10 and moving onto Year 11 in September. (help.)

For over the Summer, I guess you can chill. But if you aim to get high grades, you can buy the CGP (which I recommend as it covers most specifications) revision books and just read through it. You don't HAVE to do this but I wish I did back then lol. Don't stress yourself though because no one actually expects you to know anything when you go back to school. If you're taking a language, GET AHEAD. IT FEELS GREAT(lmao idk how to describe it). TRUST ME.
To improve your language skills (chill ver.):
- watch movies in that language
- search for easy reading/children's stories on Wattpad
- go on quizlet and learn random vocab, revise conjugations etc.
- challenge yourself to learn about 10-20 new words by the end of the week
(( I take Spanish and I got 4s (D(?)) in Year 9 but I'm like a 8/9 (A/A*) now lol. ))

I would suggest copying down your lessons into separate note books once you start school. I WISH I had done this actually. There was quite a lot of information that you have to learn, ESPECIALLY HISTORY (if you take history).

Year 10, for me, was full of learning NEW information. This is because Year 10 is prepping you for Year 11. ALL the stuff that you LEARN in Year 10 is what you will be REVISING in Year 11. Except History I think because you need to learn more topics as it is a very vast subject.

I don't know if this is the same for all schools, but you have MOCKS near the spring term of Year 10 therefore I suggest to study hard for a realistic GCSE results.

Sorry for this long response, but I hope you find this useful!
Original post by studyer
Hi, I just finished Year 10 and moving onto Year 11 in September. (help.)

For over the Summer, I guess you can chill. But if you aim to get high grades, you can buy the CGP (which I recommend as it covers most specifications) revision books and just read through it. You don't HAVE to do this but I wish I did back then lol. Don't stress yourself though because no one actually expects you to know anything when you go back to school. If you're taking a language, GET AHEAD. IT FEELS GREAT(lmao idk how to describe it). TRUST ME.
To improve your language skills (chill ver.):
- watch movies in that language
- search for easy reading/children's stories on Wattpad
- go on quizlet and learn random vocab, revise conjugations etc.
- challenge yourself to learn about 10-20 new words by the end of the week
(( I take Spanish and I got 4s (D(?)) in Year 9 but I'm like a 8/9 (A/A*) now lol. ))

I would suggest copying down your lessons into separate note books once you start school. I WISH I had done this actually. There was quite a lot of information that you have to learn, ESPECIALLY HISTORY (if you take history).

Year 10, for me, was full of learning NEW information. This is because Year 10 is prepping you for Year 11. ALL the stuff that you LEARN in Year 10 is what you will be REVISING in Year 11. Except History I think because you need to learn more topics as it is a very vast subject.

I don't know if this is the same for all schools, but you have MOCKS near the spring term of Year 10 therefore I suggest to study hard for a realistic GCSE results.

Sorry for this long response, but I hope you find this useful!

Wow, this was super useful, especially since I'm taking French and history, as well as art. I'm going to do some work on my art so that i can keep up my standard. Super useful advice :smile:
Original post by SkyRunner61
You don’t really have to do anything over the summer tbqh. In terms of what you should do in Year 10, pay attention in class and make good notes as you go along, as it’s much easier to stay organised than to get organised

thanks :smile:
Original post by Kasia_Kuczaj
Wow, this was super useful, especially since I'm taking French and history, as well as art. I'm going to do some work on my art so that i can keep up my standard. Super useful advice :smile:

Your welcome~

Some extra advice cus why not:
I did 'close up' and 'natural forms' therefore it mostly revolves around realism. I would practice drawing objects and practice shading. In art, you would need to use a wide range of media, so you can also practice watercolour, pencil, pen, ink&wash etc. Remember to always aim to make your sketchbook pages full (add printed pictures or small relevant drawings - don't leave a lot of gaps!) and also maybe prepare some photos. In each 'topic' in art, I had to produce 50 pictures and overall, I had to take about 200-300 this year lol.

For History, I feel like it is a very content filled topic so I would try to get ahead and add some Quizlet sets to memorise key dates.
The only thing I'd recommend is to get ahead on your english reading - read as many of next year's texts (if you know them) as you can over the summer. Because unless you're a quick reader, it's really easy to either get behind on the reading or to not do it properly or to let it take up all your time. None of which are great!
And even if you then re-read in class, you'll be at an advantage and understand it better..
Reply 8
Original post by Kasia_Kuczaj
Wow, this was super useful, especially since I'm taking French and history, as well as art. I'm going to do some work on my art so that i can keep up my standard. Super useful advice :smile:

I took French, history and art alongside my core subjects. You're doing the exact sane subjects as I did!
I took French, history and art alongside my core subjects. You're doing the exact sane subjects as I did!

wow what a coincidence! Maybe if i ever have any questions I can come to you?
Original post by studyer
Your welcome~

Some extra advice cus why not:
I did 'close up' and 'natural forms' therefore it mostly revolves around realism. I would practice drawing objects and practice shading. In art, you would need to use a wide range of media, so you can also practice watercolour, pencil, pen, ink&wash etc. Remember to always aim to make your sketchbook pages full (add printed pictures or small relevant drawings - don't leave a lot of gaps!) and also maybe prepare some photos. In each 'topic' in art, I had to produce 50 pictures and overall, I had to take about 200-300 this year lol.

For History, I feel like it is a very content filled topic so I would try to get ahead and add some Quizlet sets to memorise key dates.

The firs topic we do when we get back in September is culture so i have already been getting some ideas and i want to focus on british culture (eg, mods, punk rock, 80's and 90's, etc). If i have anymore questions, i hope you could answer them for me?
Original post by sallyS22
The only thing I'd recommend is to get ahead on your english reading - read as many of next year's texts (if you know them) as you can over the summer. Because unless you're a quick reader, it's really easy to either get behind on the reading or to not do it properly or to let it take up all your time. None of which are great!
And even if you then re-read in class, you'll be at an advantage and understand it better..

Thanks for the advice, since we are doing AQA, and we've already studied romeo and juliet im thinking of looking through a Christmas carol and Inspector calls ready for september
Reply 12
Original post by Kasia_Kuczaj
wow what a coincidence! Maybe if i ever have any questions I can come to you?

Go for it!
Reply 13
Original post by Kasia_Kuczaj
Any advice for me over the summer? I'm going into yr 10 in September, is there anything i need to know?

Make sure the subjects you choose are ones that you are willing to put 100% effort into, otherwise the next 2 years will be a drag. Most schools will allow you to do the subjects you have chosen till October half term and then swap but not after because there will be too much catching up.

If your school have already given out textbooks, skim read each chapter so you know what to expect.

I advise reading the chapter covered for each lesson the night before, especially for sciences (AQA definitely!) It will be difficult to force yourself to do but it will mean you walk into the lesson with the right mindset and nothing will shock.

For Physics, find out which formulas you will need to know for the exams as soon as you start in September. Make a big A2 sheet which each one arranged in a triangle and just read over it every morning, even if you haven't covered it yet. By the exam, there will be about 30 formulas you need to know so it will be easier for you to start learning them now.

Make notes/flash cards every lesson. I know it sounds like a slog but it really will help. I am in Year 11 now waiting for results in 4 weeks and I had to make all my notes in the couple of weeks before the exams, even the night before....very stressful!

Find out how you revise best as soon as you can by trying out different methods , this will also make it easier to revise for end of year exams/tests.

Try and revise for a couple of hours each weekend as well as homework to put you one step ahead and will help you to know Year 10 content well before going into Year 11.

Year 10 will go super fast so make sure you stay on top of the work, if you have any questions ask teachers straight away and good luck! If you do this ^ you will be fine!

Hope this helps!
Original post by Kasia_Kuczaj
The firs topic we do when we get back in September is culture so i have already been getting some ideas and i want to focus on british culture (eg, mods, punk rock, 80's and 90's, etc). If i have anymore questions, i hope you could answer them for me?

Yes, of course~~~
Original post by abull02
Make sure the subjects you choose are ones that you are willing to put 100% effort into, otherwise the next 2 years will be a drag. Most schools will allow you to do the subjects you have chosen till October half term and then swap but not after because there will be too much catching up.

If your school have already given out textbooks, skim read each chapter so you know what to expect.

I advise reading the chapter covered for each lesson the night before, especially for sciences (AQA definitely!) It will be difficult to force yourself to do but it will mean you walk into the lesson with the right mindset and nothing will shock.

For Physics, find out which formulas you will need to know for the exams as soon as you start in September. Make a big A2 sheet which each one arranged in a triangle and just read over it every morning, even if you haven't covered it yet. By the exam, there will be about 30 formulas you need to know so it will be easier for you to start learning them now.

Make notes/flash cards every lesson. I know it sounds like a slog but it really will help. I am in Year 11 now waiting for results in 4 weeks and I had to make all my notes in the couple of weeks before the exams, even the night before....very stressful!

Find out how you revise best as soon as you can by trying out different methods , this will also make it easier to revise for end of year exams/tests.

Try and revise for a couple of hours each weekend as well as homework to put you one step ahead and will help you to know Year 10 content well before going into Year 11.

Year 10 will go super fast so make sure you stay on top of the work, if you have any questions ask teachers straight away and good luck! If you do this ^ you will be fine!

Hope this helps!

Oh my goodness this was super helpful. I will definitely do these during the summer and throughout year 10 and 11. Oh and good luck with your results day, hope you get the results you want! :smile:
Just finished Year 10. You don't need to do anything now. Once you start, make sure you review everything you learn. Make notes, flashcards etc. Treat each test like it's a real GCSE exam. Once you get into Year 11, the notes and flashcards become very useful when you revise. Saves you time in Year 11 as well, especially when getting out coloured pens and highlighters will be wasting your time, when you should be revising. Once you think you're content is good in certain topics, do as many practice papers as you can. But tbh, Year 10 isn't too bad, you just have to actually do work in class, rather than saying 'I'll do it later' because later never exists

I didn't take similar subjects, but for French , i recommend going over grammar you learnt in year 9. I think if I had done this for Spanish, I wouldn't be getting mixed up between tenses. So do go over that. For art, a few of my friends that take it, say its very time consuming, so you could do pieces of work that could improve time management. I'm not sure about history, since I don't take it, but I guess it will be fine if you pay attention in class and go over it constantly.
Study for your tests! I never revised for any tests because I thought 'oh i'll just revise everything when GCSEs are coming up it would be a waste of time now' and it was a bigggg mistake. You'll have a much better idea of your capabilities if you revise and you'll know exactly what to focus on when preparing for exams. Don't stress much though. Feel free to make revision resources as you go along but I wouldn't say it's a must.
Hey, I have just finished y10 and am going into y11 in September-fun times!

I would say that the most important thing to do in y10 is to experiment- this is something that I wish I had done more of. Experiment with different revision techniques, study routines and different amounts of preparation (e.g. see how your grades for an end of unit test compare after studying for an hour for it vs four hours) when revising for end of unit tests/mocks. At the end of the day, y10 is a learning curve and none of the results that you get will affect you too much.

In y10, much of the course that will be examined in y11 will be covered. Therefore, make sure that you are paying attention in class and completing homework that the teachers have set you. If you want y11 to be less stressful, make notes for some of the topics that you have covered- I made flashcards for every science topic I did, which will hopefully help me next year. Also make sure you COMPLETE COURSEWORK ON TIME if it is required as you don't want unfinished coursework looming over your head whilst you are trying to revise in y11.

Above all, don't stress. You have just under 2 years. In y10, I didn't let work get in the way of going out with friends and rarely missed clubs/volunteering due to it. Have fun- make the most of this year because before you know it you will be going into y11.

In terms of things to do over the summer, complete any homework that the school has given you. If you want to get ahead, maybe read through courses and begin learning content- but only if you want to. Enjoy your summer!
hey! so i'm also going into year 10 in september and it's a relief to finally find someone my own age on here!
if you ever want to chat, drop me a pm and we can complain about it together :smile:
good luck for the next few years! i'm nervous but also super super excited!

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