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I can't revise...

*n00b waves at everyone :smile:*

I have a dilemma. A kinda urgent one really, which I shoulda dealt with a lot sooner. I can't revise. At all. I don't mean I'm too lazy to do so, or I don't like it, or any of that. I mean, the moment I set my eyes on a page of revision notes, my attention flicks to something else and I'll never get back to it.

It hasn't been an issue really up until now. I have a photographic memory when I put my mind to it - I've been able to memorise whole passages from textbooks word for word in just 10 minutes. I passed my GCSEs with top grades all the way across.

Then I got to AS level and took a nosedive. The first modules I did went great - mostly factual based stuff, that was good. I wanted to do Medicine back then, and I was on track to get AAAA in my exams (Chemistry, Maths, Biology and Physics). Then came the hard part - I needed to revise if I wanted to get the grades.

I didn't know where to start. I've never revised in my life. I also have really bad ADD, my attention span is about 3 seconds and back in school I had supportive friends who would remind me what we were doing, or explain things to me when I hadn't been listening. No such luck at college, I was in classes with nobody I knew and there was nobody who was willing to keep me up to date. I was on my own.

So I'm now seriously underachieving. I came out with CCCE (E in Physics, I dropped that) at AS level, and the January modules were equally ominous - BB (Biology) E (Chemistry) E (Maths). I resat some AS modules and brought my AS grades up to BBC.

But I really want to go to university to do at least Biomedical Sciences. I have an offer for Durham University - BBB.. I know I have the ability to do it. I have a professionally measured IQ of 163, fgs.. It's just that I find it impossible to motivate myself to sit down, bury my head in a book and LEARN.

Should I just give up now and get a nice nonprofessional job? :s-smilie:
Reply 1
Unfortunately, you'll just have to learn. It's not so hard. Get rid of all distractions, get your notes and textbooks out and get reading.
Reply 2
have a professionally measured IQ of 163
Should I just give up now and get a nice nonprofessional job? :s-smilie:

First, hi and welcome :smile:

163? :eek: I can't see you in anything but a professional job.

If you can't revise, and I mean really can't, go elsewhere. Go for a walk, workout whatever. Just freshen your mind

Make sure you are eating well. Green tea does wonders for me when I can't concentrate.

Is your ADD not very well controlled then, don't you get any help from your college?

That's terrible advice :frown: Sorry, I'll try and think of some better advice soon. PM me if you'd like to ask me something about Durham and any questions you may have now or in the future. I'll be here.
Reply 3
Probably go and see a doctor about how to deal with your ADD during the exam period- they might be able to prescribe you something or refer you to a specialist. I understand that it's not a question of just getting rid of your distractions, it's a clinical conditiion you have that's impeding you from revising. And also, if your exams don't turn out the way you want- is it written on your ucas that you have ADD ? As this counts as mitigating circumstances- and Durham might appreciate that if you miss the BBB criteria.
Reply 4
*n00b waves at everyone :smile:*

I had a similar problem with revision, I could never concentrate and it was only in my final year of uni that I found a method that worked for me.

Different people have different methods that work for them so I think your best hope is just to try different things and see what works. My method was to lock myself in the library away from everyone else and different distractions. I just procrastinate so much otherwise :redface: I tried to pick out the key notes and points, made sure I learn them, then the rest seemed to fall in place around them.
Reply 5
Is it written on your ucas that you have ADD ? As this counts as mitigating circumstances- and Durham might appreciate that if you miss the BBB criteria.

Meh. I was going to say that but it's a bit risky. They may do but aren't as lenient as you may think. Once you're at the university they don't do anything but support you, but they can be a bit dodgy about mitigating circumstances.

Just please try. You can do it!
Reply 6
Try sitting down in a room with no distractions and force yourself to concentrate for 20 minute periods, then take a break and do something else. Keep it in very small manageable chunks. Ask a friend or parent to help by keeping you to your 20 minute slots!
Reply 7
I have the exact same problem (without the ADD and the high IQ), i got what I would call good marks for GCSE's, but then this year I just couldn't work. Some days it's ok, but recently I have not been doing it.

Someone help me, I feel like I can't talk to my parents as they may get a little angry at the lack of work I have been doing during this v. stressful exam period! :eek: