What gives? It seems that absolutely everything that could ever go wrong, has done in this month. Until a few hours ago I thought it was just something for me, but one of my friends has had about as crap a month as I have. And the really weird thing is it all started on the same date. 23rd Feb. (Please no jokes about the number 23. As if I didn't hate that movie enough already.)
23rd, had a great girlfriend. Been going out for about 7 month. She asked if I wanted to go to F&B for a meal. Course I said yeah. Started out exactly like normal, then halfway through my pizza... "Look, I really like you, but I don't think in the right way. You know how Sarah is with Sam?" (Her twin sister, and boyfriend she'd not even had for a month.) "That's how I think I should feel about you, but I don't, and it's not fair on you to keep you in a relationship like that. Can we please just be friends?"
What the hell... You ask if I wanna go out for a meal like a normal date. Stand about joking and everything like normal. Then halfway through my pizza, throw that in out of nowhere!?
So, wasn't really a good start to the month.
Same date for my friend. I knew something had happened before, but didn't quite expect it to be something like what happened. He went out drinking with some other friends. While he was out, his drink got spiked. (Properly, not like with a shot of Vodka. And saying that, that's just what everyone presumes happened. No-one was smoking anything, and he didn't take any drugs himself knowingly, so it seems the only logical thing.) Anyway, some stuff happened that he didn't want to go into, and he ended up getting arrested, then a few days later, his house got raided because of it.
Neither of us got off to a good start really.
Anyway, month goes on for both of us. Just kept getting worse really.
A load of stuff's happened then that I just didn't want to know about. Didn't listen to any of it. Our old next door neighbour's now trying to use whatever it is I've decided to not listen to, to break up our family. She's been going round trying to turns aunts, uncles, grandparents, everyone against us. Thankfully none of them ever liked her, so she's not doing too well with that, but as you can imagine, it doesn't make stuff very easy for us.
About the same sort of time, my friend's found out, he's got some problem, (which again, understandably, he didn't want to go into,) and he's got to decide if he wants an operation to fix it.
The operation could kill him though.
So could the problem.
Stuff's not going too well by this point.
Anyway, time keeps going on.
I've got 2 dogs. One used to have epileptic fits, but we've got some medication for him that stops that. The other has a problem with his ears. We got him from a puppy farm in Wales. They'd been really mean to him, beating him and everything. Obviously if they'd beat him, they wouldn't even dream of spending enough money to take him to the vets. When we took him off of them (he was a breeding dog for them, and he'd been with everything else round there, so they'd advertised to sell him. My mum and dad couldn't leave him there when they saw him), we took him to the vets a bit after so he'd had time to settle with us, (though he's still jumpy now, 2 years on,) and we found out that he had an ear infection that went on untreated for so long, that his ears were practically closed.
So, our second dog (the ear one) starts acting a bit odd. He keeps falling all over the place and everything. So we take him to the vets. Turns out that the swelling of his ear canals has thrown off the vestibule and everything (it's like a section of the ear with 3 semi-crcular canals that tell your brain how upright you are) in his right ear. Thing is, to sort this out, he needs an operation on his ears. It's going to be an expensive operation, but ya know, we love the little thing, so that's not a problem, we'll happily pay it. But, this operation when he has it is going to leave him deaf. And it's not something he can have done to just one ear. It needs to be done in both.
We also found out he's got a problem with his heart.
And he's had a stroke.
And to cut out another story later on, about a week after this, apparently he's had another stroke since then.
It's not just me getting all the bad luck though. I can't remember what it was now, but a few days after this, my friend had some problem with his mum. It wasn't something too bad, but still, with how our months are going by this point, you don't want to hear anything more like this.
Well by this point, I was sick of it all. Not really doing much but school, work, then spending most of my free time laying on my bed listening to music.
But, the universe hates me. It couldn't leave it at that. One of my nans found out she could use an operation. This one isn't exactly in the best shape though. If she has this operation, as soon as comes off of the anaesthetic, she'd need to go onto life support. Permenantely.
Course it's not all big stuff. It's also been complemented with stuff like people just not letting me forget bout that ex. As if it wasn't hard enough splittin up with someone at a time like this, do I really need daily reminders about it? Do I need people asking me daily whether there's any chance I'll be getting back together with her? It's been a month, why does everyone still care about something like that?
As if that wasn't irritating enough, she's been slowly pulling herself away from me since. It makes no sense. Everything seemed perfect. Out of nowhere, she says she doesn't want to go out anymore. Things go back to how they were when we were just friends. Now she barely talks to me at all. I'm the one that got the big slap in the face with this lot, but I still try stay friends with her, only for her to try have nothing to do with me? So much for wanting to stay friends.
Didn't do too much for my friendship with her twin sister and her boyfriend either really. Have you any idea how hard it is to try not to hold it against someone when you get told "Well, look at them. I don't feel like that exactly, so I'm breaking up with you." I know it's not their fault or anything, but it does make it kind of difficult to not hold it against them when everything seemed fine before they were together.
I don't know what this thread was supposed to accomplish really.
It just all seems to strange. What is it about the 23rd that just made the universe decide to completely screw up mine and my friend's lifes in the span of a month? Why's it only seemingly happening to us two? And why are the words "Don't worry, it'll get better" against me? The first time it got said, the thing with our old neighbour started that night. The second time it got said, within the hour, I found out about our dog having that second stroke.
Everything really is messed up though. I don't know how but I've just got to a point where I've stopped caring. Sounds like both of us have really. Nothing seems to matter at all. We were at an 18th birthday party for one of our friends earlier. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, but it's like we were both just oblivious to it all. We just couldn't care about it or anything. On the way out, they'd locked one of the doors because everyone else had left except us lot. I walked right into the locked door, but I just couldn't laugh about it or anything. All I could think was "What else was I expecting really. It'd be too much for it to be unlocked."
Is it just us, or is this month just generally against everybody?
(Sorry for the large wall of text.)