The Student Room Group

Feeling sad, isolated, demotivated...

This A2 year is really getting me down. My friendships are suffering, my schoolwork is suffering. Sometimes a few bad things happen during the day, and then I spent the evening feeling like I'm about to burst into tears.

It's all very pathetic or self-pitying, but I either experience total highs (energy, a positive outlook, being productive) or dismal lows, when everything seems to be going wrong, I feel useless and ugly, and no one seems to understand.

To top it all off, when I am down, I tend to withdraw - especially at home. My parents are always moaning of I am 'uncommunicative', and they tend to have a go, which doesn't help, it makes me feel worse.

I just don't know what to do really. My life seems to be disintegrating.
Reply 1
just keep going. there must be something that you are working for somewhere in your future or even with you now. just hang on. thats what i keep telling myself
Ups and downs, I have them all the time - you're in the same boat as a lot of people. If it's becoming a really big problem maybe you should go to the doctors?

Just keep persevering, it's probably just hormones and stress.
Reply 3
You sound a lot like me OP :hugs:

Try the depresson society:

Everyone is so kind and supportive ;yes;
Reply 4
You sound a lot like me OP :hugs:

Try the depresson society:

Everyone is so kind and supportive ;yes;

I don't know if I'm 'depressed', or just a pathetically lazy, self-pitying, hormone-laden teenager.
I'm like that. I'm just aiming for the light at the other side (of exams, when i get to leave home).

Things will get worse before they get better, but don't let the bad feelings drag you down - Otherwise you'll find it even harder to feel happy for a veery long time.

Reply 6
There's always people willing to help in the depression society (General discussion- societies)
Reply 7
I know how it feels. My A2 year really got me down as my grades slipped, i'd stuck with the same people for so many years and was so bored of everything, i was stressed with money, my job etc. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and the next level. for me, that was uni :smile:.
Keep going. I felt (and still do sometimes :s-smilie:) feel the same. Year 2 of A-levels was really bad, I wish I had discovered this forum back then so I knew I wasn't the only one feeling like that!

Maybe I wouldn't have dropped half my subjects and lost the few friends I had haha...
Sounds like it could be depression. Have you always been like this? try comparing how you are now to how you used to be

and have a peek at this website
As others have said, it could be depression. Maybe see a doctor?
What I find helps is taking time out to do things that you like or used to like, e.g. although you feel you don't have the energy try and take a little walk, i find it really helps and soothes, but it can be anything, like art, reading, whatever floats your boat :smile:. I hope you're feeling better soon and remember, you won't always feel like this :hugs:
Reply 11
That's exactly how I feel, a lot of the time! Because I'm going through the same thing, I don't know what to say that can make you feel better - because I would have done it by now. But it may make you feel better to know that you're not alone, and others are going through the same thing. Just think about the summer/uni - i.e. what you're working towards. If you just get on with it and try to be productive you'll see how fast time flies, and soon this will have passed! :hugs:
Reply 12
Maybe you should find some professional help...You could be with a depression.In that case, you need help before it gets any worse. Don't let yourself go until the point when you can't do anything, because you're so down. I hope you feel better soon!=)