The Student Room Group

what 'percentage' of attraction to the SAME SEX do you feel?

because they say no-one is truly 100% straight?

I would class myself as straight and not bisexual but I would still say about 15-20% attraction to the same sex.

In that its only a very specific 'type' of the same sex that I feel attracted to - young, 'boyish' looking and probably no older than 17/18. However within that group my attraction is pretty strong, its just rare that I would see someone who fits the specific well enough for me to be attracted to lol- but when i do the attraction is very strong. However the thought of going with people of the same sex who are not of this type is pretty off-putting for me, hence the identification as straight - because it kinds of feels like a particular fetish for a particular type of person rather than an attraction to the same sex in broad terms. does that make any sense ? :confused:

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Reply 1
errr 0% :p: aint even got a back :wink:
Reply 2
I once had a moment where I wanted to snog the hell out of my gay friend.

Needless to say the moment passed pretty quickly.
Reply 3
Sex isn't really an issue for me in regards to attraction.
I find individuals attractive, some are male and some are female.
Reply 4
Not much sexual attraction tbh. Although I have a feminist, socialist, lesbian lecturer who I would do at a push. She's quite butch and I like her Canadian accent :biggrin:
Talk about taking things too literally...

When it's said that 'no-one is 100% straight', it's not a statistical claim that's being made, it's simply a figure of speech meaning that no-one's feelings of sexual attraction are confined to members of the opposite sex. It doesn't mean that you can then assign some ridiculous sort of 'percentage of gayness'.
Reply 6
I'd guess I'm about 15% attracted to girls. It's really hard to stick a % to though. There are some girls I find attractive although I consider myself straight.
Edit: I'm basing this guess on the amount of people I remember having had a crush on.
hmmm I can't really imagine realistic 'relations' with a girl.. the idea makes me squerm a little to be honest..
However I'd rather kiss a pretty girl with a clean mouth than a scabby ugly guy... I don't know where that puts me percentage wise :smile:
I'd guess I'm about 15% attracted to girls. It's really hard to stick a % to though. There are some girls I find attractive although I consider myself straight.
Edit: I'm basing this guess on the amount of people I remember having had a crush on.

yo're profile says you're a guy.. so does mine actually I just realised. huh..:confused: :confused: I'm sure it's been changed

EDIT: is this a TSR April fools thing :p:
interesting. I think think girls can be more attractive to me than men sometimes, on a purely aesthetic level. but have I ever been sexually attracted to a girl? hell no. hard to put a percentage on that though :s-smilie:
probably like 30% attracted to girls

men ftw though
Reply 11
Not sexually, but yes as "attraction" (liking) with some peoples faces. I mean there are some guys who have faces that I find completely intriguing for some reason. Its usually people with unusual/quirky looking features, not exactly stunning looking guys.

But body wise I don't see anything, its like, I have exactly the same body (give or take a bit of muscle, haha), whats there to find attractive? Not in an offensive way, but thats what really puzzles me about gay guys. I mean, do they see themselves as being the "same" as what they find erotic/sexually attractive, or do they perceive themselves as being someway different? Tis bizarre but certainly interesting.
OP I know exactly how you feel.... there is a certain demographic that I'm attracted to within the same sex, and when someone fits the bill, I'm really strongly attracted to them (similar to what you say, but stretching to early twenties), but when it comes to thinking of anyone else in the same sex, it makes me feel gross. Probably 20%, I'd say.
i dont think you can put a percentage on this type of thing there is no mathmatical messure for attraction really

its more siuational well that how i look on it anyway.
Not sexually, but yes as "attraction" (liking) with some peoples faces. I mean there are some guys who have faces that I find completely intriguing for some reason. Its usually people with unusual/quirky looking features, not exactly stunning looking guys.

But body wise I don't see anything, its like, I have exactly the same body (give or take a bit of muscle, haha), whats there to find attractive? Not in an offensive way, but thats what really puzzles me about gay guys. I mean, do they see themselves as being the "same" as what they find erotic/sexually attractive, or do they perceive themselves as being someway different? Tis bizarre but certainly interesting.

I know what you mean about the face attraction, it doesn't give me a boner lol but there is some sort of attraction there.

I would consider myself as straight, but to an extent I don't think straight exists, people are perhaps just morally straight.. and are to afraid to admit in public that they have felt a little bit attracted to the same sex.
Reply 15
Perfect thread for April Fool's :p:

But um, I'd say about 95+%?
I think any attraction I feel towards the same sex as well is purely sexual, I couldnt see myself becoming 'infatuated' with a boy in terms of personality as well as looks.

Im only interested in pursuing serious relationships with girls but just have a sexual attraction to a certain type of guy. I only really noticed this about 6 months ago actually its weird how it just came out of the blue. :confused: i dont know if i would pursue it or not, I guess I would, but only for 'liasons' not a relationship or anything lol!!
I'm pan sexual - I take people on their merits as individuals, and their gender/sex/sexuality doesn't really come into it.
Why are there so many of these homosexually orientated based threads in H&R all of a sudden? It's like British Summer time suddenly made everybody homocurious
do you think someone who only desires the same sex physically can be classed as bisexual? or do you think bisexuality means to desire both sexes on an emotional as well as physical level ?

just curious (no pun intended lol!) as to what peoples opinions on that one are?