The Student Room Group
In my opinion, discuss is a very broad open question where you can talk about all of the different perspectives and approaches. Evaluate is to look at something critically, i.e. point out its strengths and weaknesses as you mentioned. Asses is similar to evaluate, but probably more focused on the apropriateness/success of something.

From what you have said, it seems as though you're very limited on what you can say about strengths and weaknesses; there are many many more things than can be considered, for example: researcher bias, sample bias, extrapolation, reductionism, determinism, and extraneous variables etc.
Reply 2
Discussing is, as well as listing out the facts, examining the evaluative issues too - explain what the theory is, in detail, I suppose.

As GodspeedGehenna said, there are lots of things which can be used to assess a theory.

You could evaluate the method, ecological validity, reductionism, determinim, experimenter/research bias, sample, application to everyday life, ethics, egalatarianism (sp?)...

There's a list here, which shows most of the evaluative points you could talk about if you needed to...:
Reply 3
Discuss just means describe and evaluate

Evaluate means give the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen studies and theories-I teach my students the NEC technique for this-Name it, explain it, claim it/contradict it. E.g. Milgram's (1963) original obedience to authority study was criticised for lacking ecological validity (Named it) took part in a lab in Yale uni (artifical environment). thus, it's hard to apply the results to other environments (explained it). E.g Milgram's later study in a seedy downtown office block found that levels of obedience were lower (claimed it) OR However, Milgram carried out follow up studies in different environments using different procedures (e.g. in a downtown office block or giving instructions over the telephone). Thus, it could be argued that the study DOES have ecological validity. NB. Ecological validity means to what extent can the results of a study be applied to different environments/settings as in place. The extent to which the findings of a study are true to life is mundane realism.

Assess means describe, evaluate and judge. I.e. do what you'd do for a discuss question but make sure that you given an informed opinion in a conclusion about a view that you have on an argument on the basis of the stuff mentioned in your essay. E.g. Does emotion lead to better or worse memories (in the conclusion, you'd write better/worse or neither-it depends due theory x or findings Y or problems with Z).

Hope this helps!

ice Mario-A-Level Psychology teacher and examiner
Reply 4
Thanks for all your input.

ice mario - are you saying for assess that i need to give my own opinion as well?

Also, on a describe question is it as simple as listing out the facts?
Reply 5
i think "discuss, assess, evaluate" are basically the same things that just mean "mention some A02s"
Reply 6
Hi Chriz

Yes I am, as long as you do it an informed way. i.e. Based upon the studies and theories described in the essay.

Yes, describe does involve giving the facts but you need to do more than just 'list them' (that is what the term outline means). You need to give the all of the main details of a theory and the findings and conclusions of a study in specific detail but not in a way that goes over the top. E.g. Don't say the aim of the study was, the procedure was, X numbers of volunteers took part-only give this info, if the question specifically asks you to. Instead, Milgram (1963) found that 65% of participants obeyed the order to give 450 electric 'shocks' to the learner and therefore concluded that ......etc.

Hope this helps!
hey guys. thought this might help.
state, define, what is meant by, name

these normally require a short, concise answer and is often recall material that can be learned by rote.

Explain, Discuss

some reasoning or some reference to theory is required. it normally involves reference to both sides of a debate.

outline, describe

this implies a short response which sums up the major points of one particular theory or approach.

identify, asses, illustrate

these words normally require you to apply your knowledge to a particular sociological problem or theory.

asses, examine, evaluate

these words suggest that you should look at the strengths and weaknesses of an argument or both sides of a particular debate. you should offer judgements based on evidence.

hope this was of some help :smile:
They all should be the same because you should be discussing the strength AND weaknesses to gain top marks.