Debatable.First test i definitely failed on my own fault. Second test i failed because i couldnt see round a bus (yes i was far enough behind, it was the curve of the street and where everything was placed that made it difficult) so i stopped far enough prepared to creep around and cars came the opposite direction so couldnt. I was always told to wait patiently if need be, better than a head on collision. Then as soon as those cars went i did my observations to pull out safely, but as soon as those 2 cars had gone, the car behind me sped out as he seemed to have no faith in the learner infront of him. Because he overtook me i apparently failed. With only one other minor on my sheet on gears because i went to change but didnt need to and left it, i was coasting. Other than that my sheet is empty with no minors, yet that failed me, something another car did. It may sound all 'boohoo i didnt pass im going to blame it on others' however this is the situation that happened and my instructor even saw it and they were mad they failed me on only that, when he had a student only earlier that week who had scraped another car and hit a curb in their test and passed, with another brush against a curb in their manoeuvre and fail on that with only a couple minors. I don't see fair reasoning for either getting the outcome that they got. Whether its quotas or not, there is still something wrong with the system, its not so much as you pass it means you can drive well, you fail you arnt good enough.