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14 - Not old enough and the guy was a **** :frown:
Reply 2
I'm nearlt 18 andstill havn't.
Reply 3
How old were you?

Do you regret it, or are you happy with how it happened?

(if you were under 13, make a post or just vote 13)

I was 17. And it was on the very last day of 2004. I do not regret it one single bit and I am still with the guy.
Reply 4
two nights before my 17th birthday. it was perfect. i don't regret a moment of it :smile:
Reply 5
17 but couldve done it much sooner, i forget why i didnt tbh.
im happy with how it happened though
Reply 6
I was 16 with my gf (of now 4 years) so no I don't regret it one bit.
Reply 7
I was sixteen, my boyfriend was seventeen, and we're still together as we're both 19. Love.

It wasn't bad at all; on the contrary, I thought it was wonderfully wonderful.
Reply 8
I was 18, nearly 19. The guy I lost it to is still my boyfriend now (I'm 22 next week). So no, no regrets :smile:
15. Had been with my boyfriend for a while, and we were friends long before.
Was great, dont regret it atall, was the right time and all that Jazz.
& we are still togther 4 and a half years later :smile:
17, no regrets, I was ready and it was about time I did I guess!
16 and 2 days. So close... and yet so far.
Reply 12
20 - i don't regret it, but i could easily have, i rushed it a bit cause i wanted to know what sex was like, stupid thing to do.
I was 18 (and still am!) and didn't regret it one bit :smile: I'm still with him and have a feeling I will be for a long time!
Im 18, a virgin, purely because I've not found a guy who respects me enough - and I dont feel like going down the local club and getting laid by a random gimp...
16 for me.
Reply 16
16 and couldnt regret it more
Reply 17
Reply 18
16 and couldnt regret it more

tough **** for rushing into it old cock
Reply 19
I'm 18 and i am still a virgin.