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Reply 1

This guy's put loads of pretty good notes on the internet. It's good coursework help (although you probably don't need that anymore), revision notes, and section C examples, so it's a great help for exam revision.
Reply 2
I agree the OCR B syllabus sucks. There isn't any specific revision guides, nothing but the rubbish text book.

The link above looks quite good
Reply 3
thanks thats a realy good site :smile:

anyone else got any ideas? small concise books would be good.
Reply 4
this stupid physics course.

Couldn't agree more, isn't it just awful?

Especially seeing as how they seem to have their own special OCR Physics, that is completely the opposite to how the rest of the physics world do it.

Couple that with the fact that it is my teacher's first time teaching this course, (and he is one of the breed of teachers that believes he can do it with examples and challenges, and as such has no lesson plan whatsoever), and you have just the right mix for a headache.
Reply 5
My friend who used to be on this syllabus at AS, used this book which helped him (big time):

Hope this helps you and good luck.
I'm doing one other science and a double maths course at As and they are great. Physcis thoughn has always been my favourite subject yet it is the one I am most behind on!. What is the deal with this course? There are no set objectives and the 2008 January paper seemed to be out to trick us canidates.

I have been googleing (is that a word ? :tongue:) in the hope tht I'd come a cross a forum like this. I am worried that physics will drag all my other grades down and am having to retake the first module. Any advice on good revision techniques would be welcome as my teachers seemed to be blinded by the Institute of Physics stamp of approval on the front of the coursebook.
Thanks for all the advice! (^_^)
Reply 7
Any advice on good revision techniques would be welcome as my teachers seemed to be blinded by the Institute of Physics stamp of approval on the front of the coursebook.
Thanks for all the advice! (^_^)

Practise papers, practise papers, and more practise papers. The same kinds of questions come up year after year, so you greatly increase your chances of doing well by familiarising yourself with the format of the questions.

Other than that, if you're using the IOP Purple AS Physics text book (which is mostly atrocious!), learn the key points at the end of each chapter, and the formulae that are in yellow boxes throughout the book.

That's what I did last year, and I did fairly well! Good luck with the revision!
Reply 8
I actually understand module 1 now. Download the syllabus: then just work from there. Get a revision guide, use whatever small bits of class notes you have and wikipedia and piece it together into concise notes. I did each of the 3 topics imaging, sensing and materials in 3/4 sides of A4 each. If your teachers don't help then do it yourself I guess

Then do past papers etc,
Reply 9
Advanced Physics for you is AWESOME!
hyperphysics is a goos site to use.

also paperbank if u want any mark schemes
Thanks very much! It is good to know I am not the only one finding this course hard to revise for :tongue:
I've checked out the websites and they are a great help particularly the samdavyson one.
Good luck with the exams everyone!
Original post by hessajee
My friend who used to be on this syllabus at AS, used this book which helped him (big time):

Hope this helps you and good luck.

I have to agree, that book is really good, it helped me a lot with my coursework and general understanding. Except this one time when I tried to borrow it from the library, my Physics teacher decided to keep it because she was having trouble teaching the course herself! And she said that the book helped!
Reply 13
Original post by Timba
I'm trying to revise the theory behind this stupid physics course.. anyone got any good books sites or summary notes anywhere that i can get?


Hey, yeah Sam davyson website is good! .. The purple revision guide is also fab bcoz I havnt attempted to read the text book as it's totally ****! lol I need help on quantum stuff - anyone have notes?..

anyways if anyone wants any notes on the first 5 or so topics for AS - physics in action paper - I've made mind maps & can mail em to you! . . x

Original post by Phalanges
Couldn't agree more, isn't it just awful?

Especially seeing as how they seem to have their own special OCR Physics, that is completely the opposite to how the rest of the physics world do it.

Couple that with the fact that it is my teacher's first time teaching this course, (and he is one of the breed of teachers that believes he can do it with examples and challenges, and as such has no lesson plan whatsoever), and you have just the right mix for a headache.
Original post by Sadii
Hey, yeah Sam davyson website is good! .. The purple revision guide is also fab bcoz I havnt attempted to read the text book as it's totally ****! lol I need help on quantum stuff - anyone have notes?..

anyways if anyone wants any notes on the first 5 or so topics for AS - physics in action paper - I've made mind maps & can mail em to you! . . x

Hey. I just started A level college and I am doing Advancing Physics... i have to say that the text book is just really weird. I find myself reading it like how i would hear someone narrating a science documentary - too much extra background and not enough sharp facts.

Anyways I'm posting a reply to you because im interested in the first 5 topics which you have notes and mind maps for. They would REALLY help me with the subject, and so i ask: Can you please send the info to my email? Thanks man i would seriously appreciate it.

Heres my e-mail:
[Removed - please use PMs or post here]

Again, thanks in advance. (also this is my first post in TSR :smile:)
Reply 15
Original post by Sadii
Hey, yeah Sam davyson website is good! .. The purple revision guide is also fab bcoz I havnt attempted to read the text book as it's totally ****! lol I need help on quantum stuff - anyone have notes?..

anyways if anyone wants any notes on the first 5 or so topics for AS - physics in action paper - I've made mind maps & can mail em to you! . . x

I would really like to have your notes please as I am sitting this exam in a week. My email is [Removed - please use PMs]

Really appreciated.
Reply 16
Original post by Sadii
Hey, yeah Sam davyson website is good! .. The purple revision guide is also fab bcoz I havnt attempted to read the text book as it's totally ****! lol I need help on quantum stuff - anyone have notes?..

anyways if anyone wants any notes on the first 5 or so topics for AS - physics in action paper - I've made mind maps & can mail em to you! . . x

if you still have those notes and mind maps----- they would be much appreciated. Thanks
Reply 17
Really good notes, have to sign up but it's free.
Sam Davyson is good also.
I use the CGP revision guide.
I'm doing unit 4 at the moment, anyone else? I think I understand it I'm just not good at explaining haha
(edited 12 years ago)
Reply 18
If you still have those mind maps and notes it would be hugley appreciated
Reply 19
Original post by firebolt
Really good notes, have to sign up but it's free.

Sam Davyson is good also.
I use the CGP revision guide.
I'm doing unit 4 at the moment, anyone else? I think I understand it I'm just not good at explaining haha

if anyone has got the file from getrevising can you please send it to me... :smile:
Thanks in advance for anyone who sends it to me