The Student Room Group
YES!! I swear I even made a thread about it a year or so ago... blimey, can't believe other uni's use this ****.

In the first year we were just given really rough guidlines on how to use it (don't think our lecturer even knew how to use it tbh) and everyone was so confused. Actually, I think that's one of very few things I did as student rep last year, make sure 1st years get better tutorials of it.
I've got to submit a portfolio on there by the 14th, fun :s-smilie:

OH! the worst is when they just say "Reflect using pebblepad"... WHAT!?

It's such a piece of **** isn't it ;console;
Reply 2

LoL Glad im not the only one with the same thoughts as yourself!

It is a pile of crap, and its time-consumin when in fact I could be doing another essay which is more worthwhile. Mine has to be in on the 16th, and its worth 50% of my final mark for tht particular module.

Mind me asking what University do you go to??
I'm Coventry... I think it was the 1st year it was brought in as well so that didn't exactly help.
I just wish you could do whatever you wanted in Word and upload it quickly, but we have to put it all in heir silly little boxes (of which putting them into categories, isn't easy)..
How about you? i'll add it to the Pebblepad hit-list :ninja:
Reply 4
I'm at Gloucestershire.

I haven't had any input at all, apart from a lowsy lecture at the start of Semester One, saying this is your portfolio, its submitted 16th April 2008 - run along and get on with it, with a lil handout, tellin you how to attatch assets and etc.

The module which its based in at my Uni, is a complete and utter waste of time! I would rather do an essay on something that has more interest to me than sittin at a PC trying to load things to Pebble Pad that is soooooo slow, does yours take ages to load up?
*adds Gloucestershire to the pebblepad hit list*

Ours is a bit slow yeah :s: there's so many parts to it, it just seems like it could've been put together so much better.

I mean, IF you want me to write about my thoughts regarding say, a project i've done, why not just do it in a report as I do most of my work and hand it in, or submit it online in a word document, which i've also done without pebblepad. Pretty colours seems like all it's good for (once you figured out templates and such).

Just a mass waste of time. Grrrrrr I'm so mad at it, i'm requesting a TSR ban (not really, i've got exams to revise for, but thought i'd be a bit dramatic there :p:)
Reply 6

Yea I had another module this semester which was collecting bits n bobs to get a decent mark! lol very time consuming however, much prefer good ol fashion paper than electronic blinkin PebblePad form- grrrrr.

Yea I got exams as well, but havent started the revision because im still writing essays! :frown: on top with the joys of stoopid pebblepad - arghhhh lol
Reply 7
What is pebblepad?
Reply 8
A crappy online portfolio ''webfolio'' as they call it, which is very time consuming and boring and serves absolutely no purpose! My University swears by it and its the most ''amazing'' thing, apprently!!
Reply 9
What does it do?
Reply 11
Sorry i'm not being awkward, i've just not heard of it and don't know what a portfolio is really, having never had to do one!

LoL Oooooo kk.

I had to do one the other week for one of my modules and this just basically consisted of me printing my assignment feedback sheets, talking about myself in a 1500 essay on how I was going to improve grades and etc, printed my timetable and the modules I am currently taking and what modules I plan to take in levels two and three - tht is what I had to do for that portfolio.

This pebblepad crap is basically just a reflection of your time at University. They want to see evidence of assignments, presentations, assignment feedback and so on. You also have to evaluate your skills and then say how you plan on going about improving them

Tbh, you are not missin out on anything lol its time consuming, tedious and drum roll please............BORING lol.
Reply 13
Er sounds great :s-smilie: I thought it was something to do with your work that you had to complete, well I suppose it is but you know what I mean!

LoL Well its worth 50% of my total mark for the module that it is ''Skills For Sustainability'', can't say I have enjoyed the module tbh - don't think anyone has, well if you have PebblePad to deal with anyway lol
Reply 15
Och, I a Coventry student as well, I do programming in php, MySQL, but that Pebblecrap is really annoying...:mad:
Reply 16
I hate that either it decides that 'save' now means delete or that it can't be bothered to save then you are forced to close it and lose your work anyway ... Absolute nightmare!!! And I have to type very very slowly with one finger. If they can't design it properly then allow us to write up work in word or something alike and then copy and paste it in ... But they are so cocky that it is perfect that isn't allowed!