The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Wharton is top, and so is E&M. Maybe look at the specific course of E&M and see if you'll like that - same with what Wharton offers (on the major you want). If this was my choice it would be Oxford because of the lifestyle and tutorials and teaching system.
Firstly, congratulations. Quite a feat (and enviable position, I might add)

I would, personally, go to Oxford. This decision is really going to be up to personal preference. The schools and courses are both top-notch, you will not limit yourself professionally by choosing one over the other. Look at the courses again more closely - do you want Liberal arts? Or a more specified program of study? Is money a factor? (3 years versus 4 years)

Philadelphia and Oxford are completely different cities. I find Philly a little dry, everything closes at 2am. There's a large Greek culture. The campus is pretty, but outside of the school you're not in the best part of the city. Oxford, of course, has the college system.. and, once again IMHO, probably a more enjoyable undergraduate experience.

I have spent a lot of time on Penn's campus (have a lot of friends there) and have been to Oxford for interviews/visits/etc., and, even in my little time there, I got a much better feel from Oxford.

Good luck, if you any other questions feel free to ask! :smile:
Reply 3
Watch this video:

Also, where do you want to work in the future? Wharton has a pretty good connection with City Bank and a person i know work in the New York HQ.

Both Business schools are regarded highly but i am not sure if Oxford (Said right?) is focused on undergrad. I know Wharton is the number 1 undergrad business school and is regarded highly all over the world.

Congrats by the way, you are in a good position. If you go to Wharton you'll see 2 of my friends.
Whichever costs less.

But money aside, I would go to Whatron in a heartbeat.
Reply 5
I would go for Oxford.

I would then take MBA at Wharton, that is if I didn't get into Stanford Busiess School or Harvard Business School. :smile:
oxford son. girls are probably less ugly at penn though. but seriously i would go for personal preferences in this situation, the difference in prestige/quality is negligible.
Reply 7
Personally, I'd rather do an undergrad degree in Oxford and then further study at an American institution (that's probably what I'm going to do actually).

But, it's wherever you feel most drawn towards. Go with your instincts.
Reply 8
cant really make a bad choice i dont think! I think if u want to work in the US, go for Penn if you want to work in the UK go for Ox just because you will pick up more connections for that particular country

But as said before...the difference between the two is minimal in terms of academic rep so dont fret too much!
The name Oxford looks really nice on paper. Moreso if that paper is a qualification :biggrin: If you're 100% positive about the accomodation, social scene, subject and teaching styles of both unis... then choose Oxford. If not, then choose whatever scores most on those separate criteria and what counts more for you.
Reply 10
Reply 11
I'd say go with Oxford, too, but it is up to you, obviously - Try and decide which you'd feel more comfortable at socially if you think they are about equally academically in your view.
oxford definitely
Reply 13
I find myself in a real dilemma. I have been accepted for Economics and Management at Oxford and into Wharton at University of Pennsylvania. What do you think is better? I have been confused for quite a while and would really appreciate your input because both universities are good and I have no idea what to do.

Oxford, people I know in the banking industry give a bad rep about Wharton kids.
Reply 14
Oxford, people I know in the banking industry give a bad rep about Wharton kids.

I'm assuming you're referring to banking in the UK?

In the US, Wharton is one of the top 7 or so schools for banking (along with Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, Duke, Stanford, and Yale, in roughly that order).
Reply 15
Wharton hands down. Oxford teaches you in an ivory tower while Wharton is extremely career based. I guarantee you the drive and quality of the kids at Wharton will be superior to the ones at Oxford.