The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Hughes Parry is probably your best bet in that it is the biggest of the intercollegiates. All the Garden Halls (Hughes Parry, Canterbury, Commonwealth) are roughly the same though, you will have a good social life there.
i heard that connaught was best?
Reply 3
The OP wanted a second choice after Connaught though. I couldn't say how sociable it is anyway - I'm in the Garden Halls.
Reply 4
right guys it's the same thing you're asking all over again, and let me just say i was worried last year too that i'd end up with people i didn't get along with.

but thing is unless you decide to be an unsociable, silent, lonely person, then it shoudln't be aproblem making firends... and i mean a lot of them. you all are in the same boat, not knowing anyone personally and as scary as it may sound for some, you're bound to end up having a fregging great time.. it's just a question of being yourself and opening up.
i for example was scared i couldn't be my own ironic, random, crazy type of person my old mates knew me as, but within days i was able to pull the smae jokes as i did back home and this was amazing.
so for sociability you'll get it in halls, and you'll also get during Fresher's week and most departments they actually organise fresher events for new studeents

law even has a trip to france
geographers (me) have pubcrawls, a ball, monopoly race, games, fun and competitions for a whole weekend, where we got very little sleep coz all just chatting, dancing, drinking and jiggying.

so bottom line is, one is not better than the other. it is the people who are there that make it the best sociable. and if you do, however it is mostly unlikely, end up in asituation, where u either can't get along with people or some are completely boring, then there always be a chance of moving to another hall.
but it is good to start friendships from the ground bottom.

relax guys and focus on your exams.

also i i know some poeple who organised to meet up here from UCL, and i was also very involved with a lot of people wia facebook before we all arrived at UCL, some of them being my closest friends now:d
Reply 5
Yeah, what he said.

Unless you ARE a complete social failure. In which case, I'm sorry.
I've heard KCH has the best social scene 'going down' out of all the intercollegiates :smile:
Would you say any other of the intercollegiates are on par with KCH's 'social animal' hysteria ??

:smile: Actually can't wait guys!!!