The Student Room Group

Vegetarian Vets?


Are you a vegetarian/vegan?


I was just wondering how many vets/veterinary students/people who intend to be vets one day, are vegetarians?

Just I want to be, doing A-Levels and such for it, but I'm not a vegetarian - I want them to have as good a life as possible, but I'm still ok with eating them.

Just wondering how many other people are the same, or if I'm a very small minority!

Will add a poll in a moment (if I can figure out how), would rather only people going into veterinary careers to vote.


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Oh dear i'm the only veggie atm :eek:
Don't worry dinkyferret, you're not alone!! :p:
Reply 3
i'm partly veggie, i dont eat red meat but thats more for health reasons, and i didnt see any real need to eat it so gave up!
Reply 4
Okay not a vet yet but going to make it happen so hope that counts!
Im a veggie but in theory I agree with your point of view there is nothing wrong with eating animals provided they have had a quality of life, yet in reality I dont have any desire to eat them myself!
They did a show of hands some time in my first year and i'd say that less than 20% were vegetarian or vegan from what i remember.

As long as its been treated properly and been killed humanely i've got no problems with eating meat.
Reply 6
not a veggie i could never get over a hangover without a bacon sarnnie and ketchup lol!!!
Reply 7
Not a veggie, and have the same point of view as you gemmymonster, as long as there is a good quality of life and death and minimal wastage of the meat and other product I have no problem with it.
Reply 8
yeah the only not good quality meat i eat is in takeaways, which i dont have very often. By my family spend a fortune buying good quality organic meat etc, so i think when im a student i may have to be partly vegetarian just because of the cost!
Im a vegetarian as Ive always hated the texture, and think that factory farmed meat can only be bad for you. A vet student told me she was a veggie and that it helped her, as it separates you from the equation, like when they watched animal slaughter a lot of people felt sick, and they were the one who ate meat. I think it makes me less squeamish for that reason. My cousin works in a lab and she can't face liver ever again after seeing maggots feating on it at work!

Does any other vegetarian sometimes get patronised about it, like they think youre squeamish and say "Dont look at the meat" things like that...I wanted to do vet for gods sake you can't be squeamish to do that!!
Does any other vegetarian sometimes get patronised about it, like they think youre squeamish and say "Dont look at the meat" things like that...I wanted to do vet for gods sake you can't be squeamish to do that!!

No we've never had any of that but we have had 'If you're a vegetarian for ethical reasons you're a hypocrite' thrown at us during one ethics/welfare lecture.

TBH if you're confronted by something pretty grim you're going to feel rough whether you're a veggie or a carnivore. I have to say, being in the DR makes me feel hungry most of the time, not sick...AND I'M NOT ALONE!
Reply 11
No we've never had any of that but we have had 'If you're a vegetarian for ethical reasons you're a hypocrite' thrown at us during one ethics/welfare lecture.

TBH if you're confronted by something pretty grim you're going to feel rough whether you're a veggie or a carnivore. I have to say, being in the DR makes me feel hungry most of the time, not sick...AND I'M NOT ALONE!

What reasons do they give? Say you ought to be a vegan really, or what?
Top donkey.
Reply 13
I have to say, being in the DR makes me feel hungry most of the time, not sick...AND I'M NOT ALONE!

Me too!
Yep I'm vegetarian. I'm fine with the meat trade as long as they've had a good life just doesn't mean I have to eat it. I find it a bit gross, especially when after a while you start to actually look at it as a piece of animal instead of food.... A plate of chicken legs at the BBQ begins to look like a massacre lol.

I find you also get loads of people playing pranks on you when they know you're a vegetarian. My brother at christmas dinner hid a piece of turkey under my mash potato....luckily I somehow ate round it without realising lol.

I must say though, I really miss chicken dishes from chinese take aways....mmmmm. If I was ever going to go back, it would be for that. Oh and jelly sweets....
i dont eat sweets with gelatine in anyway because of the BSE risk. i kno wits gone in the UK but the gelatines not just from the UK so you cant know. A surprising number of sweets dont have it in now, including haribo jellybeans!

EDIT: oh but i do eat pork gelatine
Reply 16
Ah it's all well and good with this good quality of life thing, when I graduate I'll support this 100%, but as a student sainsburys/morrisons 8 chicken breasts for £3 is just too good an offer to turn down. If I didn't buy the cheapest possible things I feel my quality of life would be comprimised, in that I wouldn't be able to afford food.
Reply 17
Me too!

Dissecting always makes me hungry too!! Glad I'm not alone...

(I tell myself it's cos you're always concentrating quite hard. Don't know if it's true though!)
Dissecting always makes me hungry too!! Glad I'm not alone...

(I tell myself it's cos you're always concentrating quite hard. Don't know if it's true though!)

Hmm now what if it's testicles that you're dissecting because I really wasn't feeling like eating anything resembling them after that lol
I'm not a veggie, although I like the idea of being one and intend to try out vegetarianism one day.

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