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1000 calorie dieting?!?!

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i weighed myself today after a long while and ive put on 4kgs. This really upset me because it makes me feel like a failure.
I was at 56kg and now im at nearly 60kg. If i allow myself to go over 60kg, it will show how weak and stupid i am =(
my height is 5ft 6

I'm considering starting a 1000 calorie diet just so i can get to 54-55kg, because losing weight makes me feel really happy.
I have had some form of an eating disorder for the past 2 years, but im sure im better now.
But i have a really strong urge to lose the 4kgs, which cant be that bad. Its really bothering me tho... i cant stop thinkin about it.

is it possible to eat only 1000 calories a day? i read that it can get really good results really fast. im just so desperate because i feel so miserable.

plz help.

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What's that in stones and pounds? It's it around 9 stone?

I'm your height and weigh 9 stone 10. So if you think you're overweight then what must I be?

Yeah it's possible to eat that many in a day and yes it does get good results fast but it's not fat that you'll be burning off, it's the muscle, so you're not really losing weight. And then after you've lost it and start eating again you'll put on more weight as your metabolism would have slowed right down. And it'll be then harder to shift that weight.

If you want to lost weight just exercise and healthy eating. I go for a job every morning and the weight soon fell off me and I feel happier as well. Excercise really does make you feel better about myself. Try it :smile:

As hard as it may sound to you I'd try and aim for 1,200 - 1,400 calories a day. Make sure you drink your 2 litres of water, eat fresh fruit and veg etc. If you can't stop thinking about this and are that desperate to do it then it sounds like you haven't got over your eating disorder as much as you'd like.

Don't start yourself on a 1,000 calorie diet. Do it the sensible way.

Good luck honey! :smile:

Edit: And just wanted to say I don't think you need to lose weight at all.
Reply 2
I've tried to do that many times and fail because I LOVE FOOD and get bored of eating just fruit and salad non-stop. :rolleyes:
1,000 calories wouldn't be too bad in a day if you didn't have a history of eating disorders. As it is, no one here can advise you, as we don't know what sort of state you're in physically, so it could be more dangerous for you than other people. I'd recommend talking to a dietician or something.

1,000 calories is generally not that bad. It's the equivalent of a good lunch and dinner, and a couple of piece of fruit for breakfast/snacking. So while I wouldn't think it would do you any harm, I'd still be cautious if you're feeling the physical effects of your past eating disorder.
i tried that and just got fatter, seriously! just eat more spread out through out the day and little amounts and exercise. Im in exactly same boat tryimg to get to 56, and almost there, its taking a while but im doing it the healthy way, you should too
Reply 5
I'm 5'7"/5'8" and am just over 60kg, I think (ha, I always said I'd never talk about my weight on the internet but here I am!), and I don't consider myself to be overweight. Not underweight, perhaps a bit above average, I don't know...but not fat. I know I could be skinnier, but I think I look all right so it doesn't bother me too much.

I calculated your BMI and it puts you at a "normal weight", so please, don't worry about it! If your weight is really bothering you then do something about it the healthy way - a bit of exercise, eat more fruit and vegetables, cut out things like chocolate and crisps - but if I were you I wouldn't bother with diets. Even if they do work for a bit, you won't be able to keep it up and when you end up putting the weight back on you'll feel worse about yourself.
Reply 6
just do some exercise. it's actually more effective than eating less for losing weight.
eating 1000 calories a day isn't healthy and will put your body into 'starvation mode', whereby it thinks its starving and so slows down your metabolism/i.e. energy expenditure.

you're of a normal weight as you are, though I guess as a girl I understand you wanting to lose a few pounds- the way to do this is a healthy diet (at least 1400 cals a day) and exercising.
Reply 7
My advice is NOOOO! Perhaps a little hypocritical of me, given I've done that diet, however, it soon led to a 40cal a day diet, and a very, very ill me.

If you want to lose weight, do so sensibly
If you are typing this cos you have a problem and want someone to tell you, seek help.
^ ^ Safie's right. If you eat less that 1,500 calories in a day your body's metabolism gets messed up because it adusts to actually try to retain your fat stores.

You should eat 1,500 calories a day over a period of time if you want to lose weight (2000 is the RDA as I'm sure you know). If you try to get fast results by starving yourself you run the risk of putting it all back as soon as you stop.
This is what my health-obssessed friend tells me anyway.
Reply 9
I think you should eat around 1200-1400 a day of healthy calories - lots of different fruit and veg, wholegrain cereals, brown bread, eggs, lean meat etc
and regular exercise.

alot healthier than a 1000 calorie diet.
Im on the Cambridge diet, around 500 calories a day. But a Hey fatty.
Reply 11
Im on the Cambridge diet, around 500 calories a day. But a Hey fatty.

I hope that's a joke.
Reply 12
1000 calories is NOT enough to keep your body functioning properly. Simply to keep you going, without even doing anything, you need more than that.

60kg at 5 foot 6 is perfectly healthy. I'm 5'4" and weigh more than that. You do not need to lose weight and you should not feel like a failure for putting on a few kilos, especially when you are nowhere near overweight.

You will NOT get good weight loss results by restricting yourself to 1000 calories a day. A diet like that will result in you quickly putting back on whatever weight you lose. If you do need to lose weight - which I hasten to add, you most certainly do not - the best way is to eat around 1500-1800 calories a day and aim for weight loss of no more than 2lb a week. If you lose weight any quicker than that, it won't stay off and it certainly won't be healthy.

All you need to do is eat healthily - lost of fruit and veg, at least 5 portions a day (and nutritious stuff - carrots, apples, pears, bananas etc etc) and eat things such as chocolate in moderation. In fact, a little chocolate is good for you - a couple of squares of 70% cocoa solids dark chocolate a day is beneficial to your health.

You are not overweight in the slightest, so please do not try cutting your calories in such an extreme fashion. It will not lead to healthy weight loss.
Reply 13
1,000 calories a day isn't as extreme as some other diets but I still think it's dangerous in that it's really a very short-term solution. The reason people lose weight quickly with these diets is because they lose muscle along with fat. I've never tried it but I doubt that it's possible to keep up that kind of diet for any length of time, and once you do stop you're likely to compensate for the "starvation" period by eating more calories than needed. And those extra calories will be converted into fat, not the muscle that you initially lost, so you're in an even worse situation than when you started. I've been there, a few times, and I'm actually in the same boat as you right now - I had lost quite a bit of weight and I've put a lot of it back on, but unless you're looking for a really short-term fix, I'm afraid sensible eating and exercise is the only way to go.
ok, I'm going to be straightforward and possibly harsh, sorry :s-smilie:

if you lose the weight this way I would be very shocked if you don't relapse into your eating disorder. I don't think it's worth it.
imho your weight is perfect. but if nothing can dissaude you from losing weight I'd google a meal plan with exchanges instead of calories - much less potential for obsessing. there will honestly not be that much of a difference in effectiveness between 1000cals a day and a safer, more manageable limit of 1200-1400.
hope it works out
Reply 15
a safer, more manageable limit of 1200-1400.

While I agree that 1200 - 1400 is obviously healthier, I still think it's too low - isn't the general definition of starvation mode eating less than 1500 a day?
I just ate 700 calories worth of cookies, so i would totally fail on this diet! However they were marylands...
Go running, the weight will fall off.
Reply 18
Yes it works, but it's not sustainable and it will cause poor health. In short!
However they were marylands...

That's alright then. :p: