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Reply 1
I had braces put in last November and, for me, the procedure of putting the brace in was absolutely fine. In fact, I actually quite enjoyed some parts of it where they sort of brush your teeth and spray this kind of cooling water/gas into your mouth.

Its pretty obvious was not to eat, ie hard bread, toffee, really chewy things.

You can eat hard foods like apples, but just cut them into small pieces beforehand. Im sure you'll be fine
Reply 2
As far as I remember, there's nothing you need before hand at all, your orthodontist should supply you with everything. Just have some pretty strong painkillers ready for once they're fitted (yes, it will hurt, sorry!).

As for what you can't eat, your orthodontist will go through it with you, but broadly speaking anything likely to break the brace, or get stuck in it. For example, toffee, crunchy apples, crusty bread, chewing gum are all supposedly not allowed, but to be honest you can get by just by cutting stuff up into small pieces.

Just a note, it probably won't hurt while they're being fitted, or immediately afterwards. It will start to really throb about half an hour in, after your teeth actually start moving. You'll most likely have a lot of trouble eating for the first couple of day. I got by on jelly and mashed bananas.

Good luck with it anyway, it's not that bad.
Reply 3
I had braces put in last November and, for me, the procedure of putting the brace in was absolutely fine. In fact, I actually quite enjoyed some parts of it where they sort of brush your teeth and spray this kind of cooling water/gas into your mouth.

Its pretty obvious was not to eat, ie hard bread, toffee, really chewy things.

You can eat hard foods like apples, but just cut them into small pieces beforehand. Im sure you'll be fine

Really. That makes me feel a bit better. So you didn't take any Nurofen before the treatment??
sorry this is irrelevant but i have to post it somewhere i guess
and can anyone do it or do u need to subscribe or summit?
Reply 5
When you first get your braces your teeth might feel weak so it might be worth making sure that you have enough soup and yogurt to last you a few days. Also investing in some mouthwash can be useful.

Other than that it should be fine :smile:
Reply 6
As far as I remember, there's nothing you need before hand at all, your orthodontist should supply you with everything. Just have some pretty strong painkillers ready for once they're fitted (yes, it will hurt, sorry!).

As for what you can't eat, your orthodontist will go through it with you, but broadly speaking anything likely to break the brace, or get stuck in it. For example, toffee, crunchy apples, crusty bread, chewing gum are all supposedly not allowed, but to be honest you can get by just by cutting stuff up into small pieces.

Just a note, it probably won't hurt while they're being fitted, or immediately afterwards. It will start to really throb about half an hour in, after your teeth actually start moving. You'll most likely have a lot of trouble eating for the first couple of day. I got by on jelly and mashed bananas.

Good luck with it anyway, it's not that bad.

Ouch!! Thanks... P.S. What pain killers did you take?
Reply 7
Really. That makes me feel a bit better. So you didn't take any Nurofen before the treatment??

I took absolutely nothing. And presumably it would be exactly the same procedure.

I wouldnt say braces hurt. Id call it more of a dull ache. It goes quickly
it only really 'hurts' like half an hour/1 hour after youve had them put in.. when i say hurt i mean it aches really.
theres stuff you shouldnt eat/drink like hard foods, boiled sweets etc and fizzy drinks but after i got mine fitted i was so hungry i just thought stuff it and ate pizza (in small bites though!!) but yeah it's worth it :biggrin:
Reply 9
sorry this is irrelevant but i have to post it somewhere i guess
and can anyone do it or do u need to subscribe or summit?

First you go into the Forum you want to post it under i.e I'm talking about braces so I go to Health & Relationships. Then scroll right down, and you will see a orange box saying "New Thread" click it, type you title and write your message. Click submit post, then your done. Easy as that!

Hope I helped.
Reply 10
I took absolutely nothing. And presumably it would be exactly the same procedure.

I wouldnt say braces hurt. Id call it more of a dull ache. It goes quickly

Reply 11
Ouch!! Thanks... P.S. What pain killers did you take?

Cuprofen will do the trick. It has codeine in. Opiates :coma:
I actually enjoyed the feeling after the my braces were put in, and I look forward to every tightening. There's a dull ache which is quite nice but I suppose if I try to bit edonw on something *really* hard there is a bit of pain. As for what you can and can't eat, there's not much that braces really and truly stop you eating! It's just a matter of how slowly you're prepared to eat it and how long you'll be spending removing anything stuck to the braces thereafter. For example, I ate a massive box of thorntons toffee with brazil nuts and enjoyed every last bite!

In fact, the only thing that's negative about my experience is the orthodontist himself. It would seem that he can't grasp the concept of my mouth not being able to open any wider than it can and seems to think the words 'open wide' will magicaly spring my mouth asunder.

First you go into the Forum you want to post it under i.e I'm talking about braces so I go to Health & Relationships. Then scroll right down, and you will see a orange box saying "New Thread" click it, type you title and write your message. Click submit post, then your done. Easy as that!

Hope I helped.

thank you you're a ledgg X X X
Reply 14
In fact, the only thing that's negative about my experience is the orthodontist himself. It would seem that he can't grasp the concept of my mouth not being able to open any wider than it can and seems to think the words 'open wide' will magicaly spring my mouth asunder.


LOL, thats exactly the same with my orthodontist!! It's the same when she tells me to bite down on my back teeth, I can't go any further, but she keeps saying it like I am holding back for some reason :s-smilie:
LOL, thats exactly the same with my orthodontist!! It's the same when she tells me to bite down on my back teeth, I can't go any further, but she keeps saying it like I am holding back for some reason :s-smilie:

That's his second favourite phrase in my case. 'Bite down' or 'Teeth together', argh, I'm half tempted to bite down on his finger, but I doubt that'd go down so well.:eek:

I should have mine removed soon:biggrin: , I can't wait to have a metal free mouth.

I've finally finished my Orthodontic work. After seven freaking years! Although, I have to wear the retainer for a few more years yet. The pain is annoying, but more of a dull ache than anything. I didn't take any pain killers and was fine. Oh, and eat as much toffee as possible!! lol
Reply 17
also, if no one has mentioned it already, invest in some bonjela coz they can give you some ulcers you wont be forgetting in a while!! but hopefully your dentist should give you wax stuff for that.

ahaha i had my braces out a couple of years ago. my teeth have now moved back to exaaaactly where they were before :biggrin: thats about three years worth of braces down the drain.

did you have to have any teeth out for your braces? that was the absolute worst bit about mine!!! 6 injections in my mouth, two teeth out, and a retainer in immediately. you have no idea how much it hurt gettin that thing in and out for the first time, i nearly fainted.
Reply 18
also, if no one has mentioned it already, invest in some bonjela coz they can give you some ulcers you wont be forgetting in a while!! but hopefully your dentist should give you wax stuff for that.

ahaha i had my braces out a couple of years ago. my teeth have now moved back to exaaaactly where they were before :biggrin: thats about three years worth of braces down the drain.

did you have to have any teeth out for your braces? that was the absolute worst bit about mine!!! 6 injections in my mouth, two teeth out, and a retainer in immediately. you have no idea how much it hurt gettin that thing in and out for the first time, i nearly fainted.

Yeah I had 3 teeth out. But they didn't hurt - well except for one time, the dentist pulled only the top of my tooth, and he couldn't pull the root! So he got these large looking-like twezers (I don't know the name!) and yanked it out at least 5 times, and it HURT!! I was nearly crying, I've never experienced pain like that before.
I heard you need bonjela, although when I have ulcer, it doesn't really work. Anyway where can I purchase Cuprofen?
Reply 19