The Student Room Group

OMG I think I have just been screwed over by my ex

Okay so this guy 'James' we'll call him, I went out with from March - Sept 2007 although we'd been close friends for about a year. He dumped me 'cause of uni (supposedly). Then around Dec 07, he texts and MSNs me saying he wants to get back together. Jan O8 I go to his birthday (first time I'd seen him since sept) and we get along like a house on fire again. Between Jan 08 and March 08, we see each other a couple more times in between at parties and uni. He even invites me to have Easter lunch with his family! And we kind of end up pulling and doing stuff as well.... but anyway, after that, he was all like "did you enjoy that? I sure did, can't wait to see you again sexy."

Didn't hear from him for about 2 weeks after that Easter lunch, and now I find out he's going out with this other girl?! Like WTF is going on? He's like "yeah we get along really well, we're perfect for each other'.

However, please do bear in mind that he has been chasing me to go back out with me for awhile and have only been semi-responsive but the reason for this is because I know he has been on dates and done things with other girls too. When I asked him why he was seeing other girls whilst chasing me, he said that after dating people, he couldn't find anyone who was like me. And then all this?! Anyways, it seems to me like he hasn't been putting all his eggs in one basket and just used me for some cheap thrills?? I just want to get that clear before I rant at him. Am I being unreasonable?
No, he's been a bit of an arse and used you. However, it pretty much happens to us all in varying degrees over the course of a lifetime. At least you've been made aware that many people in this world are ****s.

He used you. Forget him.
No, he's been a bit of an arse and used you. However, it pretty much happens to us all in varying degrees over the course of a lifetime. At least you've been made aware that many people in this world are ****s.

He used you. Forget him.

I agree.

You are right in getting angry. But it happens to everyone, so just more on, n drop him like a hot-cake.
Reply 3
Do you think he could justify his actions because I have only been semi-responsive to his advances?
Reply 4
He's an arse, rant away if it'll make you feel better or just ignore it.
Reply 6
Do you think he could justify his actions because I have only been semi-responsive to his advances?

Bearing in mind that he originally dumped you; no.
Do you think he could justify his actions because I have only been semi-responsive to his advances?

Ha! No, not at all. Don't think it's your fault. I know you want to make it right and you probably quite like him still, but he's really not worth it. It's always hard to accept at first, but very often boys only think about one thing.
Do you think he could justify his actions because I have only been semi-responsive to his advances?

Reply 9
sounds to me like hes just trying to get in your pants. walk away
Reply 10
sounds to me like hes just trying to get in your pants. walk away

thats comming from a fella take his advice!

dh00001 I dont get your spoiler?
Reply 11
Just talked to him now, he said he met the girl and they clicked straight away, I missed my chance.

Grr..... the irony is that I'm really cautious about guys anyway, the reason I spent so much time umming and aaing was to make sure his feelings were genuine. Ha.
Reply 12
Well lesson learnt! It was not meant to be, Im sure there is some one much nicer out there for you!
The thrill of the chase was what kept him interested. Once he got you it wasn't exciting anymore.
Reply 14
Now you've said that SmilerNuts, it all makes so much sense now... everytime I reject his advances, he would keep chasing but when I showed signs of being interested he would always suddenly be unflirty in his texts and actions.

Thanks guys.
Reply 15
Now you've said that SmilerNuts, it all makes so much sense now... everytime I reject his advances, he would keep chasing but when I showed signs of being interested he would always suddenly be unflirty in his texts and actions.

Thanks guys.

yeah we found the answer! whoot whooot!:tsr2:
Reply 16
Mine did more or less the same to me! actually hes done it a few times, u get used 2 it and realise that there not worth it! Go find a nice boy :smile:
tell your ex to go **** himself.
You do realise this thread is over a year old ^o)