The Student Room Group

bah psychiatrist!

Ok so I went to see a new psychiatrist today who completely threw my old diagnosis of psychotic depression out the window and told me all my problems, hearing voices, self-harm, anger, low mood etc stems from "confidence issues" and she'll see me in a month in the meantime get a job. WTF?!! I regularly hear voices telling me to kill myself or other people plotting against me and she tells me to get a job? WHAT?

What am I meant to do now? I told her the meds aren't working and she said yeah that happens just keep taking them she'll change them at a later date no rush, so in the meantime I'm meant to keep needing to sleep 18hours a day whilst getting a job and trying not to kill myself and gaining weight like nothing I thought possible. What the **** am I meant to do now? My friend was so angry when I told him, he said see a private one but where do I get the money from for that? The last thing I want to do is get a job then flip at someone.
Reply 1
it seems abit wrong of them to dismiss other diagnosis after one session. was there a particular reason for this :s-smilie:

maybe its worth giving it a go? a job could distract you and give you something to work at.
if youre scared of flipping at someone then find a job that allows you to work alone. it doesnt have to be high profile.
Reply 2
agree with the above poster.
However, if she thinks you just have 'confidence issues' why the heck are you still on meds? :confused:
If that is the first time she has met you she shouldn't be making judgements like that - especially if previous psychiatrists have diagnosed you after knowing you for a while.
Could you request to see someone else? Or ask your GP to talk to them?
Think about writing a letter to her - I've done that before and it helps you to get across what you want to say without being interrupted.
I think in your situation, and the problems you are facing the best thing you can do is to trust professional advice, they're simply there to help. Maybe confidence issues are the trigger to your depression? and she is simply treating the cause, not the symptoms..which to be honest could be more effective.

Your obviously aware that these voices are telling you what to do, and you obviously know they are wrong and an issue..therefore what is stopping you getting a job? Many schizophrenics are not aware that the delusions and auditory hallucinations are not real..and therefore have problems getting a job that way, you however are fully aware of your situation and are in control of it, you have no reason to get a job.

Start looking now, look anywhere..even maccy d's..!!
Reply 5
if your psychiatrists telling you that your sympton is due to 'confidence issues' then maybe he's an externalist or summat around those areas. As him whether he thinks you seeig a psychotherapist instead of a psychiatrist would also be useful
as psychotherapists use psychoanalysis aka trying to help you relax your concious mind so you can address the issues in your unconcious mind.
But don't go by me, you could ask/try and see what happens. But im not a psych student so your choice...
Reply 6
Definitely get someone else. I didn't have a lot of luck with psychiatrists either.