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Reply 1
Windsor Fellowship, not Window lol
Reply 2
Still Waiting....
il prolly gt rejected anyway.
Reply 3
100% of people got through, excellent!
Reply 4
Anyone had an interview yet?
Reply 5
Looking at past people that got in, they don't seem too special. But then again they probably dont go entirely on grades. Jibzy any of the places u applied to still open for applications?
Reply 6
chek windsor fellowship website mate.
I rushed the form a couple days before the deadline.

And I haven't heard back. :rolleyes:
Reply 8
chek windsor fellowship website mate.

Yh on there its just for DB, i cant find any LB or HSBC etc...
Reply 9
Yh on there its just for DB, i cant find any LB or HSBC etc...

Lehman is out. check the windsor fellowship website again.
or am i seeing things?
Lehman is out. check the windsor fellowship website again.
or am i seeing things?
Reply 11
So any interviews?
Reply 12
are people joking with the poll?
cause how can they already be through?
when DB hvnt yet done any interviews!!?
Reply 13
I know that this is aimed at ethnic minorities since they are underepresented in IB, but how would people feel if a bank did a scheme only for British Whites?
I know that this is aimed at ethnic minorities since they are underepresented in IB, but how would people feel if a bank did a scheme only for British Whites?

That's what's wrong with society; it seems to think positive racial discrimination is somehow acceptable while negative racial discrimination is not.
Reply 15
That's what's wrong with society; it seems to think positive racial discrimination is somehow acceptable while negative racial discrimination is not.

Exactly. It just strikes me as unfair. Essentially I can't apply to this because of the colour of my skin.
i wouldnt care if they offered the scheme to only british white people because they'd still have schemes for under represented people

there is honestly nothing worse than a bunch of whiney people who think they're life is sooooooo unfair because they cant use a service for a specific group of people, when there are plenty of other opportunities out there for white british people to get into investment banking. you've just got to stop complaining and start looking.
lets go turtles!
i wouldnt care if they offered the scheme to only british white people because they'd still have schemes for under represented people

Imagine if they only had schemes for white people, like how they only have such schemes for ethnic minorities in reality.

there is honestly nothing worse than a bunch of whiney people who think they're life is sooooooo unfair because they cant use a service for a specific group of people based upon racial discrimination

Woah, we've been here before if I recall correctly, where you took a random shot at me and I told you how wrong you were. :rolleyes:

Nobody's whining; I certainly have no reason to. I qualify for all of these crappy diversity schemes, but I chose not to use them as a cheap excuse, because:

1. I'm against having an unfair advantage based solely on the colour of my skin.
2. If I'm not good enough, then I'm not good enough. Slipping through the net through some crappy diversity scheme won't save me in the long run.
3. I'm confident enough in my own abilities to I feel I don't need an unfair edge on the rest of the crowd.
(4. I couldn't be arsed.)

when there are plenty of other opportunities out there for white british people to get into investment banking. you've just got to stop complaining and start looking.

Are you on crack? There are no diversity schemes for white British nationals.
no i'm not on crack

there ARE plenty of opportunities for white people to get into banking, they just dont specify 'WHITE PEOPLE' in the title

you are whining. because you're here again spouting the same nonsense 'look at me, i'm an ethnic minority but i hate things for ethnic minorities'. i doubt at this point that you are even one, its so easy to make lies up on the internet.

why would you say that these schemes let in ethnic minorities that aint good enough? why must we be sub-par to white people? would it surprise you that the ethnic minorities on these schemes have just as good, if not better, grades than white people?

if it annoys you so much, write an angry letter, make up a e-petition etc. stop trying to put people down and calling them stupid because they do things differently to you
Reply 19
I think the Poll is a joke right now lol.