The Student Room Group
Yeah id say £135 p/w is quite accurate- although its a little more than I spend typically.

My rents about £95p/w in halls and I spend about £20 per week on shopping, so on average thats probably £20 more per week than I spend on essentials.
I am living in the most expensive halls (for a single room) though so those in cheaper accommodation others may have quite a bit more to spare.

I guess that extra £20 just all add up over the duration of the term and ultimatly goes on things like take aways, books and other uni items, nights out, and shopping advantures (ie clothes and shoes)
John Cena
Hey Louisedotcom how much do you spend on food?
is it included in ur halls fees?
w/b soon

Everythings included in the rent, all heating and electricty, water, internet etc and if you are in catered accommodation, your breakfast and evening meal is also included.

Im in self catered however and I spend about £20 per week when I go shopping, but that also includes things like shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, cleaning products so if you took all that stuff away it would average out at less :smile:
Reply 3
thanks louise! good to know, good to know.

john cena, birmingham's listed on the table as costing about 194 pounds per week. ouch. might wanna try posting in the brum forums to check...

any more feedback about costs at leicester?
I'd say that's probably about right, but because I'm catered in John Foster my rent is £135 a week, so I spend more than the average.

I spend about £10-£15 a week at Asda (Bits of food etc for snacks and lunch, and if I miss breakfast; alcohol, plus shampoo and toothpaste and stuff) and then about £15 on going out; and £10 on random things like fancy dress or the odd treat when I go shopping!!

Having experienced many weeks of catered food now, I would recommend going self catered; I miss cooking, the food can be a bit repetitive and in hindsight I'd much rather have saved myself £40 (I know I could feed myself for less than that a week!!!)
Reply 5
If you're wondering about outside of halls, my rent next year is £55 per week (and half rent over the summer) in Clarendon Park (the most sought after area for Leicester university students.) This includes water bills, but i have to pay for gas and electricity seperately, and food on top. So it's about £2650 for the whole year.

But considering I was paying £135 purely for catered accomodation, and then more on top for snacks etc, i'm pretty sure next year will be a lot cheaper. That was £4100 for accomodation. Plus, I don't have to treck my stuff back and forward as i've had to this year.
Reply 6
ill probably end up spending all my money on drinks on nights out :frown:
i always try to stick to a budget but it never works
Reply 7
ill probably end up spending all my money on drinks on nights out :frown:
i always try to stick to a budget but it never works

Hahah well if you don't, you'll be starving by the end of the term as all that student loan will be gone :P
I worked out last year in halls that with loans etc I was living on £70 a week which is more than enough. Leicester is, as most places as far north of London are, pretty cheap on the whole.
Reply 9
what about part-time jobs? easy to find?
what about part-time jobs? easy to find?

I'd say so: if you apply for a job working in the bars at uni before you apply I reckon you're guaranteed it.

I applied in September last year (emailed them an application), and was invited to an orientation the day I moved into halls(!!). Everyone was asked to work at least one shift over freshers fortnight, and then everyone who wanted regular shifts afterwards did! I only work Friday nights regularly (£30ish) but work gigs when they're on cos then I get paid to listen to the bands :smile:

The shifts are pretty flexible (within reason) - I've never been turned down when I've asked for a night off, so if you have exams, or want to go away for the weekend or whatever they're usually pretty good bout it!

I've heard it's pretty easy to get a job working in halls serving food as well (and it's better paid than the SU). And the hours are more social (No finishing after 3am haha!)
Reply 11
How does the weekly living cost break down (how much on travel, entertainment etc.)?
How does the weekly living cost break down (how much on travel, entertainment etc.)?

Thats impossible to tell you, as everyone has different lifestyles.
Some people will go out every night of the week, and others not atall.
Some people also travel by car, bicycle and others by bus or on foot.
Reply 13
concerned with~
concerned with~

What do you mean?
I pay £75 pw for my room in Leicester’s city centre which is very reasonable if you ask me! All in inc bills my monthly out lay is roughly £420 a month give or take £20 or so. Speak to Paul hanspal for cheap accommodation in leic esp the narbourough rd area as he is very reasonably priced. Good luck tho it’s a great place to live