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Reply 1
Did they know it was your Birthday? Most people are really forgetful when it comes to other people's birthday unless there's a blatent facebook notice to tell you.

Maybe they aren't your real friends, or maybe a surprise is coming!
Happy Birthday!

May you have a great day and all your wishes come true.

You're a wonderful friend and we all love you loads.

Reply 3
Happy Birthday!

May you have a great day and all your wishes come true.

You're a wonderful friend and we all love you loads.

No we don't. We don't even know her/him.
Aw happy birthday!

They probably just forgot though, I wouldn't think too hard about it. i'm sure they're still real friends. I forgot my mum's birthday last year but it doesn't stop her being my mum!

Most people are rubbish at remembering people's birthdays and unless youre the sort of person who goes on and on and on about it for months beforehand people are likely to forget.

Happy birthday LOVE YOU :smile:
remind them :s-smilie:
luv u lots

Reply 8
Barely anyone wished me happy birthday on my 16th, either. Then again I didn't tell anyone that it was :rolleyes:
Reply 9
Yeah get angry at them and make them feel guilty!!
Reply 10
I got 86 facebook messages. :P

Get a facebook profile, everyone will remember then.
Happy Birthday!
Reply 12
happy birthday!
Reply 13
This has actually upset me. I always, always wish my friends happy birthday.
I've not had one happy birthday, makes me feel bloody terrific.
Do i really have any friends?

Have you seen them? If you've actually seen them in person then that's pretty bad :frown: Sorry to hear it!

But if you haven't, I wouldn't worry too much about it - it really really annoys me that people don't know when their friends' birthdays are - I have a calendar and make sure I write their birthdays down (Facebook also helps nowadays!) and text them to say happy birthday, but do I get it in return? Nope!! Because my friends are unorganised. But don't take it to heart because some people are simply like that. Doesn't mean they don't care about you.

Happy Birthday though :smile:
Does it really matter? Its just another day for them, ultimately.

Most people forget despite intending to wish the other a good bday and others are not too bothered to remember anyway.

I could understand if you kept on reminding them, but they chose to ignore it- but is that really the case? Most people know a lot of people and birthdays come and go all the time, some people are better at remembering all these random dates than others.

Not let your happiness be contingent upon the actions of your friends, especially over something as small as this. Make a joke out of it the next time you see them, they'll feel like idiots.

Happy Birthday- have a gd one
Thats rubbish :frown:
As mentioned some people are especially forgetful, so dont take it too much to heart until you know the full story.
With it being the easter holidays ive lost all track of dates and what day it is myself- its easily done.
If you have facebook/myspace/MSN maybe change your status/username to 'Thanks for all the happy birthdays :smile: ( I dont mean in a sarcastic way) and it might jog some peoples memories.
my friends forgot my 16th, but then i only told a few of them it was my bday, & then they all felt bad and had a go at me for not telling them.
& how are they expected to remember the dates i only remember like 3 of my friends bdates.
I remember when I was about 13 only one of my friends remembered (even though it was a school day) and I was upset. Nowadays facebook is VERY useful, though I remember my close friends' birthdays. Happy Birthday anyway from mee!
I always forget my mates birthdays... but then I make it up to them by buying them awesome presents :biggrin:
i know its poop

i had the same thing my birthday was on a weekend so i could walk into school with a huge badge on saying its my birthday to physicaly remind people i wouldnt but i would have had to!

i resulted to having it as my pm on msn "ITS MY BIRTHDAY"
short and informative

why dont you say to some mates, hey can we go out for my birthday and stuff today and then they will remember im sure they will feel bad about forgetting

Happy Birthday BTW!